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Wainwright Landscape Architecture

Wainwright Landscape Architecture Contact Details

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Mr John Wainwright
7 Calder Close
West Yorkshire

About Wainwright Landscape Architecture

Chartered Landscape Architects
Wainwright landscape Architecture is a well-established practice with over 20 years' experience in landscape design and landscape planning. We are Chartered Landscape Architects located in Wakefield but working throughout the UK.

We believe that an open minded attitude and excellent communication skills allow us to deliver a high quality design service suited to our individual clients. Listening to our clients and working together with consultants, contractors and other end users to achieve quality landscapes that make a positive impact to people's lives and well-being.

Our low key approach makes us flexible and easy to work with. Wainwright Landscape Architecture is a Registered Practice of the Landscape Institute.

Wainwright Landscape Architecture is a Registered Practice of the Landscape Institute.

Please contact us for a Free design consultation Tel - 01924 381256 Email -



We were pleased to be appointed as landscape designers to work on Woodville Recreation Ground following a successful bid Sport England for funding to improve the football pitches.

Full-sized natural turf pitch

The new natural tuf pitch is designed as a full sized pitch to meet the Football Association's 'Grass Pitch Quality Performance Standard'. The full sized pitch will be mainly for over 18's football play while improvement of the existing mini-soccer pitch will support local junior teams.

The project involved regrading the existing site, installation of a drainage system and ball-stop fencing, and establishment of good sport turf. The project's feasibility stage involved a ground investigations survey together with topsoil testing.
Woodville Rangers FC

Woodville Rangers Football Club have 2 adult teams and 10 junior teams. Redevelopment of the football pitches at Woodville will bring a much needed quality facility to the area.
Interesting Site History

Woodville in South Derbyshire has an interesting industrial past. During the 19th century the site of the recreation ground was surrounded by brick works and pottery kilns made possible by the combination of good quality clay and coal once mined throught the area. Today the brickworks, pottery kilns and coal mines within the area are almost all gone.
Changes in the British Standard BS5837

With the introduction of BS:5837 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations, more emphasis is now placed on the protection of trees during the whole development process, from demolition right through to construction works, design and replanting. There are quite a few changes to tree categories and definitions in the revised British Standard. One key change is the requirement for a soil assessment, intended to inform decisions relating to the root protection area (RPA), tree protection, new planting design and foundation design.
Soil Assessment

Soil Survey BS5837Soil Survey BS:5837 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations When a soil survey is needed, our surveys are based on the method set out in Hodson's 'Soil Survey Field Handbook', together with other field survey guidance.

The assessment should determine if the soil is shrinkable. For the purposes of designing new planting and landscape proposals, soil structure, composition and PH should be included in the assessment.

If you require any further information on tree surveys in relation to your project, please Contact Us.

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