Bridge Works
Southwark Street
Southwark Street
East Midlands
England Uk
About Nottingham Platers Limited
A warm welcome to Nottingham Platers Ltd the home of good chrome. Our site is different, no customer product pictures as we only supply the quality decorative finish in Chrome, Nickel, Nisheen™, Niline™, Nipearl™, Spartex™ and Satin. Our helpful design booklet will help you learn a little about decorative chromium plating and how to make and prepare your product for plating.
About Us
Nottingham Platers Limited was established in 1982, in 16000 sq ft premises. With 150 collective years of experience, we can advise you on design, manufacture, quality, price and turnaround.
We have full in-house polishing and bead blasting to prepare customer work for plating. We have Flatbeds, Pad Sanders and Centreless Machine to compliment our normal polishing methods.
All finishes are produced in large vats capable of producing work 3.6m long (12ft).

Our Distinctive Modern Van can be seen most days travelling to those customers who have large requirements for plating. We offer a reliable fast turnaround: if we say we can - we do!
Our finishes can be seen in most High Street Stores, Government Buildings, Refectories, Hotels, Conference Halls - in fact wherever quality counts, we are there.
We operate to ISO 9001 (2008) on Quality Control and are members of the SEA and the Derbyshire & Nottingham Chamber of Commerce.
About Us
Nottingham Platers Limited was established in 1982, in 16000 sq ft premises. With 150 collective years of experience, we can advise you on design, manufacture, quality, price and turnaround.
We have full in-house polishing and bead blasting to prepare customer work for plating. We have Flatbeds, Pad Sanders and Centreless Machine to compliment our normal polishing methods.
All finishes are produced in large vats capable of producing work 3.6m long (12ft).

Our Distinctive Modern Van can be seen most days travelling to those customers who have large requirements for plating. We offer a reliable fast turnaround: if we say we can - we do!
Our finishes can be seen in most High Street Stores, Government Buildings, Refectories, Hotels, Conference Halls - in fact wherever quality counts, we are there.
We operate to ISO 9001 (2008) on Quality Control and are members of the SEA and the Derbyshire & Nottingham Chamber of Commerce.
A non-toxic form of chrome with better coverage and throwing power than
conventional toxic Hexavalent chrome. No chrome burns, no chrome finishing and reduced or no nickel blows at all. - NISHEEN™
A cost effective alternative to brushed stainless steel and satin finishes - NILINE™
A grained stainless steel “look-a-like” - NIPEARL™
A durable pearl finish, more scratch resistant than alternative pearl products - SPARTEX™
A new sparkling textured bright chrome finish that is totally scratch resistant but is not available on thin products.