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Architectural Stone uk Ltd

Architectural Stone uk Ltd Contact Details

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Mr Chris Smith
285 Cowbridge Road West
England uk

About Architectural Stone uk Ltd

Architectural Stone are able to supply any amount of natural stone material ranging from walling stone for a single dwelling to a development of over 50 properties. We can supply paving for a single patio to a development for a town regeneration scheme. Whatever your enquiry, whether it is for walling, paving, masonry, setts carving, in fact any natural stone material, either telephone or fax your enquiry to either of the numbers below. Alternatively you can click here and fill in our email form.

Stone walling, Stone paving, Architectural stone.

Architectural Stone uk Ltd ImageNew Diamond Sawn Paving.

Generally supplied in either 50 or 75mm thickness, others supplied special to order. Available either random rectangular, gauged one or two ways.

Typical paving supplied to Local Authorities.

Architectural Stone uk Ltd ImageNew Riven Stone Paving available in varying thicknesses ranging between 30-100mm, the thicker usually being supplied for heavy pedestrian and vehicular use.

This material gives a more traditional appearance.

Architectural Stone uk Ltd ImageNew 'Tumbled' stone setts available in two thicknesses; 75 or 100mm.

Sawn to specific sizes, i.e. 100x100, 100x150 etc.

Our tumbling method distresses the edges of setts hence giving a more authentic appearance. Setts are also available in a sawn finish.

Architectural Stone uk Ltd ImageWe have various types of Stone Walling available. This material is a medium gritstone, interlocking courses, with a dressed face.

We also supply all the stone masonry to compliment the walling, which is carved and prepared 'in-house' by our own time served masons.

Architectural Stone uk Ltd ImageReclaimed York Stone Paving, generally supplied random rectangular between 35 and 100mm in thickness, although these dimensions may vary when necessary.

This material is normally supplied to areas where more 'Olde Worlde' period needs to be retained.

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