12 Carlton Rd
South East
DA14 6AH
England UK
About Carlton Fire & Safety Services Ltd
Don’t wait until a fire starts …
… to think about your fire safety systems.
You can make it all much easier for your company – and safer for your people too – just hand it over to the experts.
There are plenty of reasons why this is a good move for you:

If you’ve got more than enough to worry about applying your own expertise to your business – let Carlton Fire and Safety Services apply their professional expertise to you and your staff’s safety.
Find out more about what you can get now – or give us a call on 020 8308 0866 for a no obligation chat.
30 years’ experience – and personal service too
When Ian Johns left the Fire Brigade it seemed a simple step to continue to apply his considerable expertise to the commercial world. Within a decade he has grown an organisation that delivers services to around 1,000 sites all over the UK.
Carlton Fire & Safety Services was formed in the year 2000 and became a Limited Company in 2004. With customers as diverse as Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Hotels, Restaurants, Shops, Shopping Centres, Offices and Factories, Carlton has a breadth of experience hard to match.

Lights, alarms, action!
There are so many different fire safety systems that it can be confusing. That’s where it’s important to know what is really needed. The first step is a fire risk assessment to work out the essentials that must be addressed.
Once the fire risk assessment is complete it’s time to select appropriate alarm, safety and emergency lighting systems. Whether these are straightforward fire extinguishers and an emergency lighting system, or a state-of-the-art alarm and response system – you’ll get sensible, practical and expert advice from Carlton’s experienced operatives.
Carlton Fire & Safety Services Limited provides a full service including system design, installation and commissioning and ongoing maintenance of most fire alarm and emergency lighting systems available. All to meet British Standards 5839-1:2002 and 5266-1:1999.
You’ll have access to a 24 hour call out service and a personal point of contact for professional advice.
Fire Safety:
Everybody out!
Training your staff in fire safety, awareness, competence and compliance is essential – and we’ve got expert trainers who know how to get that message across in straightforward sessions that are jargon free and easy to understand. If your staff want a comprehensive training session that will ensure that they not only understand what to do, but how to do it – and why it needs doing – you just need to pick up the phone and call 020 8308 0866.
Fire Systems:
If you’re hearing bells ringing…
It might be the knowledge that your fire alarm systems need attention! If you’ve had a few false alarms or even not had your system checked for a while, it’s always wise to give the whole system the once-over. If your premises have changed in usage and additional staff, desks, office furniture and so on have been moved in; the current alarm system probably needs to be adjusted to take this into account. This is particularly important when there are heat sensors and sprinkler systems. There have been instances where additional lights and electrical (heat generating) equipment has generated enough heat to sprinkle the staff below!
Emergency Lighting:
Sensitive sensors protect the bottom line.
If your organisation is reliant of computer operated equipment you really can’t afford to lose it for any reason. Even a small fire can be disastrous. A specialist air sampling system has a panel linked to plastic piping throughout the room and, instead of smoke setting off the alarms, the piping is fitted with sampling holes (calculated to the room size) that take continuous samples of the air and, if it is outside specified parameters, the alarms go off.
Fire Extinguishers:
Knowing what to squirt!
There are so many different coloured fire extinguishers these days that it can be confusing which one is the right one for any particular use. When there’s an emergency you don’t have time to ‘read the instructions’ so you need to be sure that the right ones are in the right place!
… to think about your fire safety systems.
You can make it all much easier for your company – and safer for your people too – just hand it over to the experts.
There are plenty of reasons why this is a good move for you:
- It ensures you are always up to date with the current legislation
- You’ll get more from an expert than you’d be able to do easily yourself
- Less headaches, less likelihood of enforcement issues – peace of mind

If you’ve got more than enough to worry about applying your own expertise to your business – let Carlton Fire and Safety Services apply their professional expertise to you and your staff’s safety.
Find out more about what you can get now – or give us a call on 020 8308 0866 for a no obligation chat.
- Fire Alarm Systems
- Gaseous Fire Systems
- Air Sampling Systems
- Emergency Lighting Systems
- Fire extinguishers
- Fire Risk Assessments
30 years’ experience – and personal service too
When Ian Johns left the Fire Brigade it seemed a simple step to continue to apply his considerable expertise to the commercial world. Within a decade he has grown an organisation that delivers services to around 1,000 sites all over the UK.
Carlton Fire & Safety Services was formed in the year 2000 and became a Limited Company in 2004. With customers as diverse as Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Hotels, Restaurants, Shops, Shopping Centres, Offices and Factories, Carlton has a breadth of experience hard to match.

Lights, alarms, action!
There are so many different fire safety systems that it can be confusing. That’s where it’s important to know what is really needed. The first step is a fire risk assessment to work out the essentials that must be addressed.
Once the fire risk assessment is complete it’s time to select appropriate alarm, safety and emergency lighting systems. Whether these are straightforward fire extinguishers and an emergency lighting system, or a state-of-the-art alarm and response system – you’ll get sensible, practical and expert advice from Carlton’s experienced operatives.
Carlton Fire & Safety Services Limited provides a full service including system design, installation and commissioning and ongoing maintenance of most fire alarm and emergency lighting systems available. All to meet British Standards 5839-1:2002 and 5266-1:1999.
You’ll have access to a 24 hour call out service and a personal point of contact for professional advice.
Fire Safety:
Everybody out!
Training your staff in fire safety, awareness, competence and compliance is essential – and we’ve got expert trainers who know how to get that message across in straightforward sessions that are jargon free and easy to understand. If your staff want a comprehensive training session that will ensure that they not only understand what to do, but how to do it – and why it needs doing – you just need to pick up the phone and call 020 8308 0866.
Fire Systems:
If you’re hearing bells ringing…
It might be the knowledge that your fire alarm systems need attention! If you’ve had a few false alarms or even not had your system checked for a while, it’s always wise to give the whole system the once-over. If your premises have changed in usage and additional staff, desks, office furniture and so on have been moved in; the current alarm system probably needs to be adjusted to take this into account. This is particularly important when there are heat sensors and sprinkler systems. There have been instances where additional lights and electrical (heat generating) equipment has generated enough heat to sprinkle the staff below!
Emergency Lighting:
Sensitive sensors protect the bottom line.
If your organisation is reliant of computer operated equipment you really can’t afford to lose it for any reason. Even a small fire can be disastrous. A specialist air sampling system has a panel linked to plastic piping throughout the room and, instead of smoke setting off the alarms, the piping is fitted with sampling holes (calculated to the room size) that take continuous samples of the air and, if it is outside specified parameters, the alarms go off.
Fire Extinguishers:
Knowing what to squirt!
There are so many different coloured fire extinguishers these days that it can be confusing which one is the right one for any particular use. When there’s an emergency you don’t have time to ‘read the instructions’ so you need to be sure that the right ones are in the right place!