Robert Robinson & Son Contact Details
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028 71337170
Edwin Robinson
75 Cumber Road
County Londonderry
Northern Ireland
BT47 4JA
About Robert Robinson & Son
ROBERT ROBINSON & SON of Cumber Road, Claudy, Co. L'Derry have been supplying Concrete Bricks & Blocks, Washed Sand & Gravel since 1947.
The company motto is ‘Quality, Service & Value’. Producing a high quality product is of utmost importance to Robert Robinson & Son, as they are naturally proud of their 60 year reputation for having the hardest Blocks and best Sand & Gravel in the North-West. In fact, most of the firm’s employees have been with Robinson’s for many years, are experienced in their skill and take pride in their work.
Robert Robinson & Son are renowned for a prompt delivery service to their customer base - as endorsed by the many satisfied builders & plasterers in the region. This, combined with a high quality product range makes Robert Robinson & Son the best choice around for projects ranging from major housing developments to single dwellings.
The company specialise in Concrete ‘common’ Block-work; available in sizes between 6', 9' and 12'. Block strengths include 7.5 and 10.5 Newton. Bricks and 25kg Bagged Cement are also on sale.
The different grades of Sand offered vary from Building, Plastering to Concreting Sands. Stones range from huge Boulders to Hard-Core/Drainage Gravel to tiny pebbles. All our aggregates pass through our processing plant for breaking, sorting and washing.
Our prices are competitive, value for money and combined with discounts - the keenest around.
Materials can be collected from our Cumber Road site or delivered out by lorry (usually 18 to 22 Ton loads).
Make Robert Robinson & Son your choice for all your building product needs.