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+44 (0)28 3752 4346
Sam Ewart
Riverview House 76 Hill Street
County Armagh
BT60 3PB
About Land Survey Services
Land Survey Services was established in 1986 to provide a premier service to Architects, Engineers, Private Housing Developers and Government Departments.
Always operating with the most up to date equipment, the Company offers a wide range of reliable Survey Services worldwide.
All Contracts are carried out by our own permanent staff of qualified and experienced Surveyors, protected by Employers, Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance.
Topographical Land Surveys
All our survey work is carried out using electronic Total Stations linked to Data Loggers and Computer Plotted. Finished survey information can be provided on negatives or on computer disks to suit whatever system that the client may prefer. At present we can carry out a site survey, download it onto a portable computer and provide the survey on disk in the same working day. All site surveys are individually priced.
Setting Out
Consultants, Contractors and Private Housing Developers are now aware of the speed and accuracy of full co-ordinated Setting Out. Setting Out can be priced by the hour, day or on a Contract basis. Should you wish to discuss anything regarding Setting Out, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Internal Plans, Sections, Elevations
Land Survey Services are experienced in the preparation of Internal Plans, Sections and Elevations of many large buildings in Ireland and mainland Britain. All building surveys are individually priced and a quotation or site meeting is provided free of charge.
Confined Space Surveys
Land Survey Services have always been aware of Health and Safety at work. As a direct result the Company established a Confined Space Survey Operation. All our Surveyors are specially trained for Confined Space Surveys and the operation carries full rescue outfits including Rescue Tripods, Breathing Apparatus, Gas Detectors, Harnesses and Lighting Sets.
Our Survey Teams are available to carry out work in large underground Culverts, Pipes and Ducts. These surveys can then be computer plotted and provided on negatives or computer disk. This service is available on an hourly or daily rate, or for a predetermined fixed price. To arrange a site meeting please do not hesitate to contact us.
Computer Data Sewer Surveys
Land Survey Services have been involved in complete Sewer Surveys of many large towns. This has involved the accurate recording of data which can be computer loaded and used to form sewer models of entire Towns or Cities. We have proven ability in the accuracy of our Data Recording and the reliability of our Level Circuits. All manholes are coded and mapped onto existing Survey Maps with all Sewer Runs clearly drawn. Man Entry Sewer Surveys are also available and are backed up with our confined space experience.
Over the past years, Land Survey Services have provided large Traverse Circuits for Ariel Surveys, Electricity Pylon Lines and the laying of Pipe Runs. This service is mainly directed towards overseas Survey work although relating Site Surveys to Irish or National Grid has become increasingly popular. Traversing information can be obtained using Total Station or G.P.S System depending on Clients Specification or Terrain.
Underground Service Tracing
Underground Service Tracing was first introduced to the Company as an addition to our Land Survey Section. However, it has become a popular service both in Ireland and Overseas. With the latest equipment we can provide the position and depth of Underground Wires, Pipes, Ducts, Etc. These can then be accurately surveyed and provided on computer disk.
Site Investigation
Site Investigation is the most recent service to be added to the Company. We are using two techniques to obtain Soil Samples for testing. For a cheaper and quick test we would use Trial Pits. This involves the digging of a pit with an Excavator and observing Soil Samples and Water Table levels as the Excavator is working. The second system that we are using is Shell and Auger.
Always operating with the most up to date equipment, the Company offers a wide range of reliable Survey Services worldwide.
All Contracts are carried out by our own permanent staff of qualified and experienced Surveyors, protected by Employers, Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance.
Land Survey Services
- Topographical Land Surveys
- Setting Out
- Internal Plans, Sections, Elevations
- Confined Space Surveys
- Computer Data Sewer Systems
- Traversing
- Underground Service Tracing
- Site Investigation
Building Site Services
- Building Surveys
- Building Plans
- CAD Design
- Drainage Design
- Site Organisation
- Site Management
- Site Control
- Road Design
Topographical Land Surveys
All our survey work is carried out using electronic Total Stations linked to Data Loggers and Computer Plotted. Finished survey information can be provided on negatives or on computer disks to suit whatever system that the client may prefer. At present we can carry out a site survey, download it onto a portable computer and provide the survey on disk in the same working day. All site surveys are individually priced.
Setting Out
Consultants, Contractors and Private Housing Developers are now aware of the speed and accuracy of full co-ordinated Setting Out. Setting Out can be priced by the hour, day or on a Contract basis. Should you wish to discuss anything regarding Setting Out, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Internal Plans, Sections, Elevations
Land Survey Services are experienced in the preparation of Internal Plans, Sections and Elevations of many large buildings in Ireland and mainland Britain. All building surveys are individually priced and a quotation or site meeting is provided free of charge.
Confined Space Surveys
Land Survey Services have always been aware of Health and Safety at work. As a direct result the Company established a Confined Space Survey Operation. All our Surveyors are specially trained for Confined Space Surveys and the operation carries full rescue outfits including Rescue Tripods, Breathing Apparatus, Gas Detectors, Harnesses and Lighting Sets.
Our Survey Teams are available to carry out work in large underground Culverts, Pipes and Ducts. These surveys can then be computer plotted and provided on negatives or computer disk. This service is available on an hourly or daily rate, or for a predetermined fixed price. To arrange a site meeting please do not hesitate to contact us.
Computer Data Sewer Surveys
Land Survey Services have been involved in complete Sewer Surveys of many large towns. This has involved the accurate recording of data which can be computer loaded and used to form sewer models of entire Towns or Cities. We have proven ability in the accuracy of our Data Recording and the reliability of our Level Circuits. All manholes are coded and mapped onto existing Survey Maps with all Sewer Runs clearly drawn. Man Entry Sewer Surveys are also available and are backed up with our confined space experience.
Over the past years, Land Survey Services have provided large Traverse Circuits for Ariel Surveys, Electricity Pylon Lines and the laying of Pipe Runs. This service is mainly directed towards overseas Survey work although relating Site Surveys to Irish or National Grid has become increasingly popular. Traversing information can be obtained using Total Station or G.P.S System depending on Clients Specification or Terrain.
Underground Service Tracing
Underground Service Tracing was first introduced to the Company as an addition to our Land Survey Section. However, it has become a popular service both in Ireland and Overseas. With the latest equipment we can provide the position and depth of Underground Wires, Pipes, Ducts, Etc. These can then be accurately surveyed and provided on computer disk.
Site Investigation
Site Investigation is the most recent service to be added to the Company. We are using two techniques to obtain Soil Samples for testing. For a cheaper and quick test we would use Trial Pits. This involves the digging of a pit with an Excavator and observing Soil Samples and Water Table levels as the Excavator is working. The second system that we are using is Shell and Auger.