24, Lynn Avenue
Co. Down
Northern Ireland
BT25 1PZ
About Keyhole Surgery Locksmiths
Keyhole Surgery Locksmiths
Should you require to speak to a locksmith call the above number.
Locksmithing is the science and art of defeating locks. A lock is a mechanism that secures buildings, rooms, cupboards and other storage facilities from theft by burglars. A key is usually used to open a lock and it is often said that a lock keeps honest people honest!
The locks on the doors of most homes keep the skilled burglar out for about 30 seconds! This is especially true if the only thing slowing them down is a standard key in the knob lock.

Its equipment is sourced from the best suppliers to the industry and is professionally fitted by a skilled locksmith. Keyhole Surgery Locksmiths techniques are those used by the best trained locksmiths in the profession.