83 Ladas Drive
Co Antrim
Northern Ireland
About Health & Safety Executive (N.I)
HSENI (The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland) is an executive Non-Departmental Public Body sponsored by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI). HSENI is the lead body responsible for the promotion and enforcement of health and safety at work standards in Northern Ireland.
HSENI's Vision for Northern Ireland is:
"To achieve world-class performance in workplace health and safety and therefore improve the overall economic and social well being of our community".
HSENI's Mission is:
"To ensure that risks to people's health and safety arising from work activities are effectively controlled."
HSENI will endeavour to realise its vision through its five key objectives:
Whilst HSENI is the lead body responsible for the promotion and enforcement of health and safety at work standards in Northern Ireland, it shares this responsibility with the 26 District Councils. Together HSENI and the District Councils cover all work situations in Northern Ireland that are subject to the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978.

This Guidance section provides basic information on a range of workplace health and safety topics and industries. It will give a synopsis of the topic or industry and highlight some key messages as well as listing the relevant legislation.
About You
Health and Safety affects all of us whether you are an employer, employee or member of the public. This section of the website provides specific information for the following groups:

It is a legal requirement that workplace accidents are reported to us. An investigation may be carried out depending on the circumstances. Accidents can be reported:
Please note all workplace accidents can now be reported to HSENI
If you have a concern about a working practice you can seek advice from our duty inspector or lodge a complaint which will be looked at by an inspector. We can be contacted by:

HSENI's Vision for Northern Ireland is:
"To achieve world-class performance in workplace health and safety and therefore improve the overall economic and social well being of our community".
HSENI's Mission is:
"To ensure that risks to people's health and safety arising from work activities are effectively controlled."
HSENI will endeavour to realise its vision through its five key objectives:
- To provide the highest standards of service delivery at the regional level.
- To promote key workplace health and safety messages and themes to targeted sectors and groups.
- To communicate appropriate, timely and practical workplace health and safety information and advice.
- To improve compliance with health and safety standards through inspection and investigation activities.
- To ensure that an effective and up-to-date health and safety at work regulatory framework is maintained.
Whilst HSENI is the lead body responsible for the promotion and enforcement of health and safety at work standards in Northern Ireland, it shares this responsibility with the 26 District Councils. Together HSENI and the District Councils cover all work situations in Northern Ireland that are subject to the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978.

This Guidance section provides basic information on a range of workplace health and safety topics and industries. It will give a synopsis of the topic or industry and highlight some key messages as well as listing the relevant legislation.
About You
Health and Safety affects all of us whether you are an employer, employee or member of the public. This section of the website provides specific information for the following groups:
- Employers
- Employees
- Trade Union Representative
- CEO/Director

It is a legal requirement that workplace accidents are reported to us. An investigation may be carried out depending on the circumstances. Accidents can be reported:
- Online
- Post
- Fax
- Telephone (hardcopy must also be sent)
Please note all workplace accidents can now be reported to HSENI
If you have a concern about a working practice you can seek advice from our duty inspector or lodge a complaint which will be looked at by an inspector. We can be contacted by:
- Post
- Fax
- Telephone