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Jaeggi Hybridtechnology Ltd

Jaeggi Hybridtechnology Ltd Contact Details

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01788 869004
5 The Hollies
East Midlands
CV23 0DD

About Jaeggi Hybridtechnology Ltd

Hybrid technology is environmentally sound and delivers an economic and reliable operation with very attractive pay back times. Due to this reason, hybrid dry coolers are becoming more and more popular. A major part in this development is directly linked to our well educated staff who will use and even continue to improve their extensive knowledge in the field of hybrid technology. They ensure that all projects run smoothly and according to schedule. Special solutions can be worked out in close correlation with our customers to meet very specific requirements. Customer satisfaction is the result of our engineering expertise and the comprehensive range of services that we offer.

A special selection software allows us to calculate and design hybrid dry coolers to achieve maximum savings on water and electrical costs. In other words: a hybrid dry cooler cuts operating costs whilst resources are saved.

Jaeggi Hybridtechnology Ltd Image

Jaeggi Hybridtechnology Ltd Image

HTK High Efficiency Hybrid Dry Coolers
Jaeggi hybrid coolers and condensers save energy and water. They reduce operating costs and maintenance costs for owners and operators.

When compared to conventional cooling towers or dry coolers or adiabatic coolers, the annual energy and water savings are significant which translate directly to lower operating costs. Overall life cycle costs are reduced plus important environmental benefits are gained.
  • 35% energy saving
  • 80% water saving
  • extremely low noise levels
  • no visible vapour plume
  • no water droplet or aerosol emissions = Legionella safe operation
  • compact, modular design = minimal space requirements
  • low weight
  • easy maintenance.

Swiss-engineered Jaeggi hybrid dry coolers combine the advantages of evaporative cooling with the benefits of dry cooling, making them an ideal modern alternative for both new projects and retrofits. Developed with the support of the Swiss Energy Commission, they provide heat rejection for office buildings, airports, hospitals, shopping centres and data centres, as well as for CHP and CCHP energy centres and within process industries.

ADC Advanced Adiabatic Dry Cooler
The Hybrid Blue ADC advanced adiabatic dry cooler ensures lowest operating costs for the operator and provides environmentally efficient energy saving and water saving adiabatic cooling technology.

Integral intelligent control and variable speed inverter controlled fans optimise and minimise the energy consumption. Progressive and adaptive humidification ensures only the necessary amount of pre-cooling water is used and so minimises water use. Thus operating costs are kept to a minimum.

  • Chemical Free Operation – The mains quality pre-cooling water is not re-circulated and the system is completely drained when not in use.
  • Legionella safe – No sprays or aerosols.
  • Low noise level.
  • Space saving - Requires approximately 50% of the installation space of an equivalent dry air cooler.
  • Lowest water consumption - Unique design regulates the amount of pre-cooling water ensuring water use is kept to a minimum.

Data Centre Cooling
Jaeggi hybrid cooling technologies are installed in some of the most capable, secure and energy-efficient data centres throughout Europe.
From small server rooms with a cooling capacity of 100 kilowatts to large data processing centres with cooling capacities of many megawatts – JAEGGI hybrid dry coolers are an efficient and reliable part of the infrastructure.

High efficiency hybrid coolers enable extended freecooling for the majority of the year, without the use of energy-hungry refrigeration compressors.
For datacentres which are designed to the latest ASHRAE TC9.9 2011 thermal guidelines with higher datahall temperatures, Jaeggi hybrid cooling makes it possible to freecool all year in the UK and Ireland using cool outside ambient air; achieving very low PUE.

Jaeggi provide comprehensive support services to consultant designers and datacentre owners and operators, including:
  • Design support and system calculations
  • Technical submissions and drawings
  • Annual energy consumption and water use calculations
  • Full load and partial load operating data to enable system designers to calculate overall PUE
  • Functional and load testing capability and commissioning
  • Preventative maintenance contracts and 24/365 service options


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