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01954 231 093
Mr Darren Frost
Hilton House
37 Hilton Street Over
37 Hilton Street Over
Eastern England
CB24 5PU
England Uk
About Cambridge Ecology
Cambridge Ecology provides high quality, independent ecological advice in order to deliver effective, novel and sustainable solutions to our clients. Cambridge Ecology works to the highest standards and aim to provide our clients with projects that deliver marketable and distinctive results, which in turn will ensure that our work produces measurable and long lasting benefits to biodiversity.
Cambridge Ecology provides a full spectrum of ecological services. From individual site inspections, identifying the effects of a project on a single species to a wider ecological impact assessments of large engineering undertakings, our in-house team and network of associates have the skills and experience to assist clients to meet their business aspirations.
Other mammals
Environmental monitoring programmes
Other ecological surveys
Cambridge Ecology provides a full spectrum of ecological services. From individual site inspections, identifying the effects of a project on a single species to a wider ecological impact assessments of large engineering undertakings, our in-house team and network of associates have the skills and experience to assist clients to meet their business aspirations.
Ecological surveys
Amphibians- Great Crested Newt licence held
- Natural England licence held
- Roost surveys of trees, bridges and a variety of buildings including barns and churches. Dusk and dawn surveys, swarming surveys and hibernacula surveys
- Activity surveys designed to assess sites for species present, foraging habitat, flight lines. Use of time expansion detector and sonogram analysis
- Generic breeding bird surveys using CBC, BBS and registration mapping techniques
- Generic winter bird surveys using WeBS and farmland bird survey methods
- Specialist species surveys - e.g. Barn Owl, Black Redstart and Nightjar
- Specialist habitat surveys - woodland, grassland, upland, marine and coastal
- Monitoring - mitigation, construction, operation and post-construction environmental management plans, site and species surveillance
- Odonata (Dragonflies & Damselflies)
- Butterflies
- White-clawed Crayfish Natural England licence held
Other mammals
- Dormice - Natural England licence held
- Badger
- Water Vole
- Otters
Environmental monitoring programmes
- Baseline data set creation
- Monitoring change
Other ecological surveys
- These surveys are possible through our large network of associates
- Freshwater aquatic macrophytes, invertebrates
- Fish
- NVC, invasive plants and other specialist botanical surveys
Report production
- Scoping study production
- Ecological Impact Assessment
- Biodiversity chapter production for Environmental Statement
- Survey result appraisal
Analysis and assessment
- Distribution and behavioural analysis for birds
- Windfarm collision risk assessment
- Independent Ornithology ES review
- Studies to inform Appropriate Assessment and provision of advice on the EU Birds Directive, Habitats Directive
- Ornithology Impact Assessment
Habitat creation
- Advice on feasibility and site suitability
- Design, practical implementation, monitoring and evaluation of habitat creation and restoration
- Habitat and species management plans
- Site-specific ecological and conservation management plans
Mitigation for protected species
- For impacts on bat roosts, flight lines, foraging habitat
- Translocations of Great Crested Newts, reptiles and Water Voles
- Mitigation for loss of Dormouse habitat
- Breeding bird nest box design and siting
- Bird collision avoidance measures
- Design and implementation of mitigation and compensation
Planning matters, legislation and policy
- Production of detailed ecological strategies to fulfil planning conditions
- EcoHomes/BREEAM - Production of ecological audit reports to maximise credits awarded to a variety of schemes EcoHomes to comply with the Code of Sustainable Development (including housing, industrial, offices and schools)
- Advice on conservation legislation and environmental regulations
- Expert witness and public inquiry experience
- Ecology Audits for ISO 14001 compliance