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Damp And Timber Tech

Damp And Timber Tech Contact Details

England UK

About Damp And Timber Tech

Qualified Building Surveyor and Property Care Association (PCA) member providing Independent Specialist Surveys Reports, Specifications and Advice for:
  • Surveys for all dampness and decay problems recommendations and specifications provided
  • Pre purchase Damp & Timber inspections and report
  • Independent Surveys for Dampness (Rising, Penetrating Damp)
  • Basement Reports and System specifications written
  • Timber Survey Report (Wet Rot, Dry Rot, Woodworm)
  • Condensation & Ventilation Surveys
  • Wall ties and stabilizing systems

Other Services Provided include (POA):
  • Onsite verbal advice and consultation
  • Onsite supervision of works
  • Exposure of building fabrics to ascertain the extent of dampness or decay
  • Non evasive inspections of cavities and sub floor areas using optical boroscope

Damp And Timber Tech Image

All Survey Reports Include CAD Plan Drawing and Specifications For Works Required (If Needed)
Damp and Timber Tech are independent building surveyors, covering the South East of England including: London, Surrey, Kent, East and West Sussex and East Hants.

We are not contractors but Building surveyors that specialise in all aspects of building preservation and tailor our Survey Reports specifically for your properties requirement. We carry out examination and inspection of properties to diagnose and provide expert impartial diagnosis and advise for dampness, waterproofing, flooding, condensation, timber decay including wet rot and dry rot and wood boring beetle infestation.

We carry out inspections on all properties private and commercial of all construction design, types and ages. Damp and timber tech are not contractors and have no financial interest in finding work or problems that do not exist. We take a holistic approach when specifying remedial works or treatments. Sometimes the use of remedial treatments are unavoidable, but, where possible we will use environmental measures and good building practice in the first instance. The symptoms of each property inspected are individual and unique, it is therefore important that correct diagnosis and site specific recommendations are made to remedy the problem that may exist. We will provide guidance on targeted treatments rather than blanket treatments specified by contractors that may be costly, unjustified, and not necessary.

Our aim is to inspect, eliminate any defects and establish if a problem exists, provide diagnosis and recommendations based on professional experience and expertise.


Damp And Timber Tech ImageDamp And Timber Tech ImageDamp And Timber Tech Image

Damp And Timber Tech Serves The Following Areas

Toner Damp Proofing SuppliesToner Damp Proofing LtdPittaway Fencing LtdLeo WorkwearGreen Home Energy (Private) Limited.55 FixingsMainland Aggregates LtdLindsay Finance LimitedLiftworks Limited - NEW LIFT | LIFT MAINTENANCE | LIFT REPAIRSTraining Courses 4 U Ltd