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Irwin Carr Consulting

Irwin Carr Consulting Contact Details

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+353 1 443 0528
Shane Carr
7 Osborne Promenade
Co Down
BT34 3NQ
Northern Ireland

About Irwin Carr Consulting

Irwin Carr offers specialist services in the areas of environmental noise, architectural acoustics, air quality and underwater noise. Our experience in planning and licensing covers a broad range of areas from noise assessments of wind farms, agricultural developments through to industrial processes and commercial or residential developments. We provide a range of complimentary services to address the noise and air quality impacts of existing and proposed developments.
We also have significant experience in the architectural acoustic design of commercial, education and residential buildings from the initial tender stage through to the commissioning/testing. We are registered with the Association of Noise Consultants (ANC) for residential building pre-completion testing. We also have specialist skills in the measurement, prediction and assessment of underwater noise through our development of the dBSeas software package. Our software development and distribution section provides support for software packages such as SoundPLAN, INSUL and SONarchitect used by consultancies worldwide.

We have assessed the potential noise impacts from all types of projects from small residential developments to some of the largest industrial developments in Northern Ireland.

We have particular expertise in wind farm assessment where current staff have co-authored the Institute of Acoustics Good Practice Guide as well as advising the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) in relation to the updates to the Wind Energy Development Guideline in the Republic of Ireland.

Our staff have extensive experience in all areas of architectural acoustics including commercial, residential, education and healthcare buildings.

We work collaboratively with architects, designers and contractors to create buildings that achieve excellent performance in the following areas:
• Room acoustics
• Airborne & Impact sound insulation
• Indoor ambient noise levels
Our services in architectural acoustics cover measurement, schematic & detailed design, specification, site supervision and commissioning.

We can carry out air quality and odour assessments from numerous industrial and agricultural sources throughout the UK and Ireland.

We use approved air dispersion modelling software including both AERMOD and ADMS.

Our assessments include road and transport development, intensive agriculture development, anaerobic digesters and other biomass boilers and engines.

We initially developed our interest in underwater noise through the development of the dBSea software, but have continually increased our consultancy capability in the previous number of years.

We now regularly carry out noise measurements and modelling from all projects which generate noise underwater including off shore wind farms, harbour expansions, piling, cable laying or shipping traffic

Development and distribution of an extensive range of acoustic software packages.

dBSea was developed by Irwin Carr and Marshall Day Acoustics. We are responsible for the development of the software and provide technical support and assistance to all customers in Europe and to distributors throughout the world. We also provide training courses in the use of the software to existing and potential customers.

We are the distributing agents for the SoundPLAN noise mapping software package in Ireland on behalf of SoundPLAN GmbH and Braunstein + Berndt GmbH of Germany. Our services include provision of technical support and modelling expertise to clients.

SONarchitect ISO was developed by Sound Of Numbers (SON) and is the most powerful software tool for calculation of sound insulation in accordance with EN ISO 12354 parts 1,2,3,4 and 6. The software makes it possible to analyse an entire building project and automates the assessment with regards to the relevant sound insulation requirements.

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Irwin Carr Consulting ImageIrwin Carr Consulting Image
Irwin Carr Consulting ImageIrwin Carr Consulting Image

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