Concept Aluminium Windows Ltd Contact Details
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Craig Howells
Unit 8 Plymouth Court
Warlow street
Warlow street
Merthr Tydfil
England UK
CF47 0YS
England UK
About Concept Aluminium Windows Ltd
Welcome to Concept Aluminium Windows Ltd.
Concept Aluminium Windows is a private limited company specialising in the design, fabrication, supply and installation of architectural aluminium glazing solutions.
Conveniently located in Merthyr Tydfill, South Wales, we are ideally situated to furnish commercial, domestic, public and private sector projects across the whole of Wales and Parts of England.

Aluminium is a robust and long lasting product that we source from several key suppliers in the market. Access to a broad range of suppliers assists us in furnishing our end customers with the complete glazing packages. We offer the highest quality bespoke products with an efficient professional service for the domestic and commercial markets.
The benefit of using aluminium is the wide variety of colours and profiles from slimline to maximize light efficiency to the more traditional appearance we are able to offer.

We can supply:
Concept Aluminium Windows specialises in the fabrication and installation of new generation aluminium.

What Will It Cost?
About Aluminium
Concept Aluminium Windows is a private limited company specialising in the design, fabrication, supply and installation of architectural aluminium glazing solutions.
Conveniently located in Merthyr Tydfill, South Wales, we are ideally situated to furnish commercial, domestic, public and private sector projects across the whole of Wales and Parts of England.

Aluminium is a robust and long lasting product that we source from several key suppliers in the market. Access to a broad range of suppliers assists us in furnishing our end customers with the complete glazing packages. We offer the highest quality bespoke products with an efficient professional service for the domestic and commercial markets.
The benefit of using aluminium is the wide variety of colours and profiles from slimline to maximize light efficiency to the more traditional appearance we are able to offer.

We can supply:
Concept Aluminium Windows specialises in the fabrication and installation of new generation aluminium.

We specialise in:
| Our services include

What Will It Cost?
About Aluminium