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1 World Solar

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About 1 World Solar

1 World Solar is a mission led company, dedicated to reducing emissions of climate changing gases such as carbon dioxide. The 'Inconvenient Truth' (as Al Gore put it) is that we're exploiting the earth's energy and other resources at a rate about 3-5 times of that which is sustainable. Our aim is therefore to help achieve sustainability in the UK so that we live within the resources of the one world we all occupy.

Hence our motto 1 World Solar - because we have only one world.

Whilst thinking globally we're trying to act locally by offering a range of high quality microgeneration solutions as well as heat recovery and rainwater harvesting. By adopting some or all of these measures locally we can all reduce our carbon footprint and help with the global picture. That why we fully support the efforts of Bristol Green Capital, who aim to make Bristol the first UK Sustainable City.

1 World Solar ImageSolar PV
We supply and install a large range of PV panels from leading manufacturers, ranging in size, power and efficiency. Using our design experience we can identify which PV panel and inverter best fits your requirements. We have mounting systems and inverters to suit all situations, including roof mounted, roof integrated, flat roof, wall mount and ground mount.

1 World Solar ImageSolar Hot Water Heating
All solar water heating systems require a cylinder of some sort to store the energy they collect. We have a wide range of off-the-shelf and custom cylinders available from manufacturers we have come to trust over the years. If you don't see what you require listed in our ONLINE SHOP then please contact us.

1 World Solar ImageBiomass Boilers
A well-designed modern biomass boiler will work at 80-90% efficiency, and the most sophisticated boilers are as convenient as fossil fuel systems and can be fully automated:- The fuel fed into the boiler automatically with an auger; automatic ignition with a small electric hot plate; Some can even be turned on or off by texting from a mobile phone.

1 World Solar ImageHeat Pumps
A heat pump is an electrically powered heating system which quite literally pumps freely available energy out of the ground or air. The clever bit is that it typically uses one unit of electricty to deliver 3 to 4 units of heat into your building. This is known as the coefficient of performance or COP for short and it means that heat pumps are cheap to run and are low in carbon emissions.

1 World Solar Image1 World Solar Image

1 World Solar Serves The Following Areas

Zero GridToner Damp Proofing SuppliesRapid Access LtdFrametech Essex LtdKAS ShopfittingsThe Slate Centre LtdThe Sign ShedMaldon Roofing Services LtdMeadowson LtdVENTURES CERA LTD