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Chimney Sweeping Services

Chimney Sweeping Services Contact Details

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Russell Hill
Chaddesley Corbett
West Midlands
DY10 4PZ
England UK

About Chimney Sweeping Services

Cowl Fitting Services are sweepers of chimneys and can investigate your chimney problems. Our chimney lining services will protect you and your family from the issues linked to faulty and unsafe flues.

Don't delay!! Get your chimney swept to avoid damage to your chimney and, worst of all, letting a chimney fire destroy your home! Contact us for a free quote.

We are HETAS registered installers.

If you have any questions please call us on 0800 587 9087 or 07860 238 924.

Alternatively, you can fax us on 01562 770023

Chimney Sweeping Services ImageChimney Sweeping Services Image

Why you need to get your chimney swept!!
Most people know that chimneys need to be cleaned, but very few people think about it until a problem such as insufficient ventilation occurs. However, such problems can be considerably more severe than they initially seem – reduced ventilation can be the result of creosote buildup, which is a very flammable substance, or of a birds nest blocking the poisonous gasses escaping.

Creosote is formed as a result of creosols and phenol compounds, chemicals which are released when wood is burned. It condenses on chimney walls when the chimney or flue is cooler than around 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and when there is high moisture content in the exhaust gases from the fire.

Chimney Sweeping Services ImageChimney Sweeping Services Image

Chimney & Log Burner Sweeping
Cowl Fitting Services carry out chimney & log burner sweeping and assessment as part of our range of services.

Chimney sweeping removes creosote and soot in order to ensure safe operation and prevent deterioration. Cowl Fitting Services uses a guaranteed "no mess" cleaning method. First, we place tarps on the floor in front of the fireplace and in high traffic areas. The chimney is then cleaned from the bottom. We use specialized tools to clean the firebox, smoke chamber, damper, smoke shelf (behind the damper), and flue liner. This process can take anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour. The recommended yearly inspection will let you know if a cleaning is necessary.

Chimney Sweeping Services ImageChimney Sweeping Services Image

Why you need to fit a flue / liner
With a stove, 80% of the heat goes into the room, with an open fire 80% of the heat goes up the chimney and this means that the smoke from a stove is great deal cooler than from a fireplace. The result of this is that a stove will usually never manage to bring a masonry chimney up to operating temperature. This can mean that the stove will never draw properly, and the cooling smoke will condense, causing excess soot and, more dangerously, tar deposits. Tar deposits are not removed by a sweeps brush and cause chimney fires and you may get black tarry condensate leaking out through the bottom and sometimes even through the mortar joints of the chimney.

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