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Albright Window Films UK Ltd

Albright Window Films UK Ltd Contact Details

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Mr Daniel Farney
7 Maylands Business Centre
Redbourn Road
Hemel Hempstead
South East
England UK

About Albright Window Films UK Ltd

A little bit about us:
Established in 2002 Albright Window Films UK have been supplying and installing a range of window films, coatings and vinyls for over 20 years. Since our inception we have quickly established ourselves as one of the regions fastest growing Window Film companies.

We can help with any glass related issues such as Glare reduction, Solar Control, Privacy and Frosted vinyls, Safety & Security Window Films, Window Manifestations, Graphics and everything in between!

Environmental benefits:
With new Government initiatives & EU Directives we are all working towards reducing our carbon emissions and cutting our energy consumption and bill (HVACS). Window Film is carbon neutral and offers a far more cost effective way to moderate temperatures during the winter and summer without the use of costly air conditioning or heating devices. Ask one of our representatives about our Energy Saving Surveys which shows you how we can help reduce your HVAC costs on 0800 002 9452 or

What can window film do?
  • Solar Control Films or Anti-Glare films reduce heat gain and glare by as much as 80% and also eliminates harmful UV rays whilst significantly reducing your cooling costs and carbon emissions.

  • Safety Films are clear in appearance so there is no alteration to your windows but the containment of shattered glass offers optimum protection and ultimate glass safety.

  • Security & bomb blast films provide your glazing with a high level of protection in the event of explosions, impact or forced entry.

  • Privacy and Frosted Films are perfect when you are looking to create better privacy at home or in the office.

We supply a range of Privacy and Frosted films that can be used to obscure private areas or make dull ones more interesting. They can be successfully used in a variety of places including homes, offices, schools, shops & restaurants.

Opaque Film is used to obscure the view from both sides offering greater privacy, the appearance is subtle yet effective and the cost is considerably less than blinds. Frosted window film is one of our most popular products it is durable so will not scuff or scratch and versatile so can be used for many different applications around the home and office. Obscure Window Films or sandblasted effect offer great privacy with the added benefit of maintaining 90% of daylight so your room remains light & bright without the need for bulky blinds or blackout window films.

Installing Solar Reflective Anti Glare Film will reduce the heat and glare by as much as 80% as well as blocking 99% of the Suns harmful UV rays.

Due to the nature of these rooms they are susceptible to heat gain & loss which can create an uncomfortable environment. Conservatory Window Films stops the problem of over heating at source, it acts as a barrier to the sun's energy and reduces heat by 80%, glare by 81% and harmful UV rays by 99%. Solar Window Film is more affordable than blinds and the benefits are far greater.

High Reflective or Heat Reducing window films can dramatically reduce the amount of heat build-up within a room or office by as much as 80%. By applying solar reflective window film to the inside face of your windows you can virtually eliminate UV rays and reduce glare by up to 84% depending on the type of film you choose.

Widely used in museums and shop-fronts to offer greater protection against fading, UV window film is optically clear in appearance so once installed there is no change in the look of the glass. The film has the ability to reject 99.9% of the suns harmful UV rays which is a major factor in the fight against fading.

Albright offer a range of anti-glare window films that provide instant relief for the often detrimental effects of excessive glare and heat. Anti Glare window film acts as a barrier to harsh glare much the same way as a good pair of sun glasses would do on a sunny day!

With new Government initiatives and EU Directives companies and businesses are being urged to reduce their carbon emissions. Energy saving window films offer a cost effective carbon neutral solution to reducing your energy consumption. Research tells us that the heating and cooling (HVAC) of commercial premises is a major cause of damaging greenhouse gases. With a simple application of ES window film you can dramatically increase the efficiency of your building and cut your energy consumption and bills.


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