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Archaeology Wales Ltd

Archaeology Wales Ltd Contact Details

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Mr Mark Houliston
Unit D11.6 Treforest Industrial Estate
Great Oak Street
CF37 5UR

About Archaeology Wales Ltd

Working throughout the UK we are an experienced archaeological consultancy offering archaeology fieldwork and desk-based services to businesses, communities and individuals. Since 1992 we’ve undertaken hundreds of desk-based studies, non-intrusive surveys, and fieldwork investigations, ranging in scope from Neolithic settlement sites to modern military installations.

Archaeology Wales provides a variety of independent heritage consultancy services, each designed to assist our clients negotiate their way through different aspects of the pre-planning process. Our team provides friendly and expert advice, helping to assess and manage potential archaeological risk, from pre-acquisition through to full planning consent.

From complex schemes where Environmental Impact Assessments are required down to simple on-off construction projects, and from off-shore and coastal developments to upland schemes such as wind farms, our specialists are able to draw on considerable previous experience.

Archaeology Wales provides a full range of fieldwork services, working on behalf of clients to identify, assess and mitigate the impact of proposed developments on surviving archaeological remains. Our aim is always to identify and to deal with potential issues as early as possible, thereby avoiding unnecessary costs and delays.

Our teams of field archaeologists have experience in dealing with wide variety of different development scenarios, ranging from full excavation strategies that remove all archaeological remains before the start of groundworks, to targeted strategies where Watching Brief archaeologists work alongside construction workers.

In addition to intrusive evaluation procedures such as trenching, test-pitting and the monitoring of boreholes, Archaeology Wales offers a range of non-intrusive investigative techniques, in particular geophysical surveys (magnetometer), field-walking, GPS surveys, metal-detector surveys & topographical surveys. Evaluation methodologies of this type are often requested by local authority archaeologists at an early stage in the pre-planning process, and they can form a valuable tool in the preparation of strategies to mitigate the impact of a proposed development on the buried archaeological resource.

Archaeology Wales undertakes a wide range of off-site specialist activities, ranging from the processing of finds and environmental samples collected by our fieldwork teams, to the detailed analysis of particular artefact and ecofact types, such as pottery, glass, human bone and pollen. All our specialists are happy to share their knowledge with all those interested in the work we do, so regularly give talks and presentations to local societies, student groups and, of course, groups representing the organisations we work for.


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