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Grippit UK

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1&2 Delta Court

About Grippit UK

External Notice Boards

Grippit UK Ltd
manufacture maintenance free notice boards and signage for inside or outside information display. Our external aluminium noticeboards are fully weatherproof and vandal proof. Unique durable pin free display boards and silver cases. Aluminium poster frames will outlast all freestanding wooden notice boards and wooden church notice boards. Tamper resistant lockable display board screens can be added to make your display board safe, secure and fire retardant. Poster display cases and map boards can also be mounted outside on walls, posts or casters. Wipeable biomedical hygienic MRSA resistant notice boards for infection control environments.

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Our display boards are used in a variety of locations; church notice boards, sports club notice boards, school notice boards, college notice boards, club notice boards and production area notice boards and golf club notice boards etc. Customers use the notice board for large poster displays or general A4 and A3 notices. They can also be used for freestanding signs and menu boards. Aluminium poster frames provide a better option than traditional wooden notice boards. As aluminium will not rust it is more economical than a wooden notice board or a wooden church notice board. Silvercases look sleek or alternatively powder coated poster cases to suit a corporate image or rural setting.

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The Grippit paper grip slat is a patented and easy to use pin free or pinless system that will not cause contamination problems or safety issues in hygienic food preparation; medical and surgical areas and places where children play. Ideal for infection control environments in order to prevent superbugs like MRSA and Clostridium Difficile. We also manufacture alternatives to traditional pin boards and standard white boards or magnetic boards. Large poster frames can display A5, A4, A3, A2, A1 posters and A0 notices, bulletins, advertisements or posters. Mixed combinations can be acheived and various media can also be displayed, including photographs; card; plastic; wood and metal. We can provide a variety of bespoke designs, colours and sizes. Your Grippit display will truly last for years to come!

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Grippit UK Branches

Lytchett House, Warehan Road, Poole, BH16 6FA

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