3 Elizabeth Gardens
South East
England UK
About Cameron Jones Planning
Cameron Jones Planning provides professional planning advice, assistance and representation with applications, appeals, supporting statements, listed building consent and commercial and residential site appraisals.
We are based in Ascot, Berkshire and cover Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Surrey, Middlesex and London Boroughs.
It is always advisable to instruct a planning expert who can advise from the outset (prior to plans being drawn up) on how best the land can be developed and what planning considerations need to be taken into account. At Cameron Jones Planning, we pride ourselves on being able to give the best advice on the current planning policies and land restrictions.
Contact us to discuss your planning project or issue and we will provide initial advice free of charge.
We can ensure your application has the best chance of success with the Local Planning Authority. If you have had planning permission refused we can look at the proposal afresh and identify whether planning permission can be gained and what the best way forward would be.
We will complete the forms, write a supporting statement to accompany your planning application which sets out how your proposal meets local and national planning policies and relevant planning criteria such as impact of the design on the immediate area, neighbours, parking and transport issues, and sustainability issues.
Following submission of the application, we will liaise and negotiate with the Council and attend Planning Committee (where necessary) to promote your scheme to Council Members. We can advise in the discharge of conditions following a permission. We can either work with your appointed architect or we have access to a team of professionals. Planning applications may need to be supported with the following:
Other applications
Other applications which we can advise on and submit as follows:
View our Recent Projects.
We are based in Ascot, Berkshire and cover Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Surrey, Middlesex and London Boroughs.
It is always advisable to instruct a planning expert who can advise from the outset (prior to plans being drawn up) on how best the land can be developed and what planning considerations need to be taken into account. At Cameron Jones Planning, we pride ourselves on being able to give the best advice on the current planning policies and land restrictions.
Contact us to discuss your planning project or issue and we will provide initial advice free of charge.
We can ensure your application has the best chance of success with the Local Planning Authority. If you have had planning permission refused we can look at the proposal afresh and identify whether planning permission can be gained and what the best way forward would be.
We will complete the forms, write a supporting statement to accompany your planning application which sets out how your proposal meets local and national planning policies and relevant planning criteria such as impact of the design on the immediate area, neighbours, parking and transport issues, and sustainability issues.
Following submission of the application, we will liaise and negotiate with the Council and attend Planning Committee (where necessary) to promote your scheme to Council Members. We can advise in the discharge of conditions following a permission. We can either work with your appointed architect or we have access to a team of professionals. Planning applications may need to be supported with the following:
- Full set of scaled Plans
- Design and Access Statement
- Tree surveys
- Parking and transport assessments
- Daylight and sunlight assessments
- Conservation and listed building appraisals
- Sustainability assessment/ Energy Statements
- Viability appraisal
Other applications
Other applications which we can advise on and submit as follows:
- Advertisement Consent - if you require consent for new signage on your shop or commercial premises etc.
- Vary a condition to a planning permission
- Reserved matters - discharge of conditions
- Extend time limit - where your planning application has expired
- Non-material amendment – where your proposal has evolved over time and during the building process with a minor amendment
- Prior notification of proposed developments by telecommunications code system operators
View our Recent Projects.