27 Forester Street
East Midlands
England UK
About Carpet Tile Recycling
Here at Carpet Tile Recycling, we clean and grade used tiles and then re-sell them.
This simple process is not only good for the environment, by avoiding adding to the landfill problem, but it's also great for the contractor by making carpet tiles an even more cost-effective option.
We hold huge stocks of new and recycled carpet tiles in our warehouse so you'll easily be able to find the right product at the right price and know that it'll do the job well.
In this economic climate it's good to know that you're helping yourself and the environment.
There is a huge market for recycled tiles which are both cost effective and have the benefit of keeping waste costs down. By offering this service to the trade we are also making it easier for people within the industry to keep up with the new GREEN MACHINE ethos.
Our sister company, Carpet Tile Wholesale - has been selling high quality new tiles to the trade and public for years, offering huge savings and a wide selection of tiles at a fraction of the normal trade price. By acquiring vast quantities of redundant stock we have become well-known as 'THE Carpet Tile Specialists'.

Having been in the business many years, we know that much of our success is due to the impartial advice we give to our customers.
If you have been offered a better deal elsewhere we'll say so, safe in the knowledge that it is rare for us to be beaten on price. Should we lose out that time by being honest, we'll be much more likely to benefit from your custom in the future, as you'll feel you can trust our straight-forward approach and advice.
Don't be caught out buying a tile that won't do the job!

Buy our Carpet Tiles
All our reclaimed tiles are available on our sister website ( as well as stock ranges and special offer clearance lines.
We are selective when choosing used tiles and only take stock that will clean well and that we're sure you'll be pleased with.
All tiles are graded, cleaned and sanitised using the same cleaning process used in hospitals to stamp out MRSA and other nasties.
You will find huge stocks in our warehouse and our prices are always incredibly competitive.
You'll be reassured too, that we have a same-day sampling service so you can actually see what the tile looks like before you decide to buy.

Recycling Carpet Tiles
It's just so simple. With all the 'green' talk around, it's good to know you're doing your bit whilst earning a living. Just give us a quick call and let us know the quantity, type and condition of your uplift.
We take small and large lots – but must stress that the tiles need to be in a good re-usable condition. When we've agreed we can reuse them, you just have to stack the tiles onto a pallet and we'll arrange for a carrier to ship them to us.
It really is that simple!

Green Issues
Reducing carpet tiles in landfill sites! The waste hierarchy is a simple and well trodden principle for effective waste management with elimination at source the most preferred option, followed by minimisation, reuse, recycling, incineration and lastly disposal to landfill.
Carpet tiles are renowned for their bulk, weight and virtual indestructibility when it comes to disposal. The only way to-date to get rid of them is to put them in a skip and condemn them to landfill.
Every year, on average, 25 million square metres of carpet tiles are removed from offices and public spaces across Europe.
This simple process is not only good for the environment, by avoiding adding to the landfill problem, but it's also great for the contractor by making carpet tiles an even more cost-effective option.
We hold huge stocks of new and recycled carpet tiles in our warehouse so you'll easily be able to find the right product at the right price and know that it'll do the job well.
In this economic climate it's good to know that you're helping yourself and the environment.
There is a huge market for recycled tiles which are both cost effective and have the benefit of keeping waste costs down. By offering this service to the trade we are also making it easier for people within the industry to keep up with the new GREEN MACHINE ethos.
Our sister company, Carpet Tile Wholesale - has been selling high quality new tiles to the trade and public for years, offering huge savings and a wide selection of tiles at a fraction of the normal trade price. By acquiring vast quantities of redundant stock we have become well-known as 'THE Carpet Tile Specialists'.

Having been in the business many years, we know that much of our success is due to the impartial advice we give to our customers.
If you have been offered a better deal elsewhere we'll say so, safe in the knowledge that it is rare for us to be beaten on price. Should we lose out that time by being honest, we'll be much more likely to benefit from your custom in the future, as you'll feel you can trust our straight-forward approach and advice.
Don't be caught out buying a tile that won't do the job!

Buy our Carpet Tiles
All our reclaimed tiles are available on our sister website ( as well as stock ranges and special offer clearance lines.
We are selective when choosing used tiles and only take stock that will clean well and that we're sure you'll be pleased with.
All tiles are graded, cleaned and sanitised using the same cleaning process used in hospitals to stamp out MRSA and other nasties.
You will find huge stocks in our warehouse and our prices are always incredibly competitive.
You'll be reassured too, that we have a same-day sampling service so you can actually see what the tile looks like before you decide to buy.

Recycling Carpet Tiles
It's just so simple. With all the 'green' talk around, it's good to know you're doing your bit whilst earning a living. Just give us a quick call and let us know the quantity, type and condition of your uplift.
We take small and large lots – but must stress that the tiles need to be in a good re-usable condition. When we've agreed we can reuse them, you just have to stack the tiles onto a pallet and we'll arrange for a carrier to ship them to us.
It really is that simple!

Green Issues
Reducing carpet tiles in landfill sites! The waste hierarchy is a simple and well trodden principle for effective waste management with elimination at source the most preferred option, followed by minimisation, reuse, recycling, incineration and lastly disposal to landfill.
Carpet tiles are renowned for their bulk, weight and virtual indestructibility when it comes to disposal. The only way to-date to get rid of them is to put them in a skip and condemn them to landfill.
Every year, on average, 25 million square metres of carpet tiles are removed from offices and public spaces across Europe.