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Sinclair Goldberg Price Ltd

Sinclair Goldberg Price Ltd Contact Details

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Debt Recovery Advisor
Brook House
243 Brook Street
CH41 3SE

About Sinclair Goldberg Price Ltd

SGP is a debt recovery agency, we specialise in recovery of Deliberately Delayed, Disputed and Aged Debt. Offering a No Win – No Fee debt recovery and debt collection service, we aim to recover debts without recourse to legal action. We truly believe that commercial legal action should be a last resort and not your first shot across the bows. However, in the event that you want, or need, to instigate legal action in relation to unpaid invoices or debt recovery then our in-house Legal Department will be there to support you.

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Each account is assessed to define a critical path to ensure a speedy but professional debt collection service. More importantly, should you wish to maintain your relationship with the debtor for the future, each debt can be managed to your individual requirements which can be discussed with your debt recovery agent / account manager.

Debt Recovery
Here at Sinclair Goldberg Price we are Debt Recovery Specialists, specialising in the Collection and Recovery of Commercial Debts within the UK and Globally, settling disputes by arbitration and reclaiming unpaid debts on behalf of our clients. If your business is suffering from unpaid bills due to outstanding invoices SGP Debt recovery have the ability to recover your losses in a professional and efficient manner with trained and experienced debt recovery agents.

Credit Checking
Only 2% of UK companies credit-check before offering credit. You wouldn’t buy a house without a survey, so apply the same safeguard to your business. Gaining credit, housing or public services without registering to public access databases is now almost impossible for anyone.

Our most cost–effective and frequently used service is the verbal credit-check. This allows your Account Manager to give information and answer your questions as they arise. A few minutes on the phone can help avoid a costly loss.

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Insolvency Supervision
Insolvency is a double edged sword, not only has the debtor left you with a loss but the task of completing numerous forms ties up more of your valuable time. SGP provide insolvency services as standard and free of charge as part of your contract.

"Remember, just because your debtor has made an offer to pay does not mean you are required to accept it, you may be able to either overturn or modify the proposal.”

Pre-Action Protocol
For disputes within the Construction and Engineering industries, SGP can take both you and your debtor through the Construction Pre-action Protocol procedure. The aim of which is to reach a settlement of the dispute without court intervention as building, construction, engineering and architecture disputes are known to prove costly and time consuming.

Debtor Tracing
SGP offers a first class Debtor Tracing service, a vital step in the debt recovery process.

In addition to a simple debtor address search, SGP can undertake a debtor employment trace on consumer debtors which will represent evidence of their employment and/or confirm if they are a home owner and hence assess their ability to repay their debts.

Gaining credit, housing or public services without registering to public access databases is now almost impossible for anyone!

Global Debt Recovery
SGP are able to trace debtors in the UK, Europe and Worldwide - All on a No Find No Fee basis.

With the increasing need to look outside of our waters for new business, SGP have at the request of our clients, expanded our services to included recovery from debtors outside the UK.

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