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Detection Technologies

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About Detection Technologies

Detection Technologies Ltd. are specialists in the design and manufacture of perimeter intrusion detection systems and can provide a range of solutions to meet the needs of most sites where there is a requirement for reliable electronic detection of hostile activity anywhere along the site boundary.

The expertise of our staff, acquired over the last 20 years, ensures the performance and cost-effectiveness of our products, and being a technology led company, our customers can be assured of the highest quality of technical support throughout the selection, installation, and commissioning of our world-beating products.

If you have a requirement for an electronic perimeter security system with a proven pedigree that can be supplied at a cost to suit even the tightest budget, contact Detection Technologies and prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

Detection Technologies offer a range of systems to suit most applications that require either perimeter fence protection or perimeter wall protection along with a comprehensive set of options to ensure integration with 3rd party systems is as seamless as possible.

VibraTek 3G - The Ultimate Fence Protection Sensor
VibraTek® 3G is a third generation vibration-sensitive linear sensor specifically designed to provide high performance intruder detection capability when deployed on fences or other barriers used to define the perimeter of a secure site.

The development of VibraTek® 3G draws on knowledge gained over more than 20 years operational experience of intrusion detection system design, and in particular, from the highly specialised external perimeter market sector where vibration sensing technology applied to fence structures constitutes by far the most widely used and cost-effective method of intrusion detection.

DuoTek / UnoTek Standalone
For smaller sites where system cost is often the major issue, DuoTek standalone, or it's single zone counterpart, UnoTek standalone, are often chosen to ensure a cost-effective solution.

Both DuoTek and UnoTek stand alone systems may be located on the perimeter fence or up to 2500 metres from the fence if necessary. Each standalone analyser provides a simple relay contact interface compatible with most commercially available alarm panels.

  • State of the art digital signal processing hardware.
  • Local and Remote System Control are possible.
  • Ensures reliable detection performance when applied to, wooden fences, roofs and many other perimeter barrier structures.
  • Contact Monitoring Capability allows simple integration of 3rd party detection systems.
  • Integrated Audio Storage Capability.
  • Integrated Audible Warning Device
The MultiTek system offers centralised signal processing with all electronic modules located within a secure building, often the site control room, which may be located at some distance from the perimeter fence itself.

All field mounted components (sensor cable, termination boxes, gate connection kits etc.) are entirely passive and require no power to be routed to the perimeter fence. This offers significant cost savings when compared with systems requiring power distribution and alarm communications along the perimeter fence line.

VibraFon System
Detection Technologies' VibraFon system provides a unique solution where there is a requirement to detect climb-over, break-through, and dig-under attacks on perimeter walls. The VibraFon system utilises point sensors installed within the wall to detect the vibrations caused as an intruder (or escapee) tries to climb-over, break-though, or dig under the wall.

Each VibraSector® analyser offers the ability to monitor and control up to 1000 metres of VibraTek® sensor cable which may be segmented into 100 sub-zones so that the location of intruder-related activity detected by the sensor cable may be identified to an accuracy of 1%.
  • New product incorporating 'state-of-the-art' technology
  • Intrusion location to an accuracy of 1 %
  • Each sub-zone may be independently adjusted for detection sensitivity
  • Provides high quality digital audio verification
  • Compatible with industry standard IP networks
  • Allows mixing of 'live' sensor cable with 'dead' interconnection cable
Security Management System (SMS) Integration
Detection Technologies can offer a number of options to ensure the task of integrating our detection systems with 3rd party security management systems is as straightforward as possible. Integration can take place on a number of levels with the simplest option being through dry relay contacts – often the only option with legacy equipment still using this industry-standard interface.


Location Map

Detection Technologies Serves The Following Counties

Detection Technologies Serves The Following Towns

Angleside GL LtdArgus Fire & Security LtdWatchtower Security Solutions United Kingdom LimitedRewire SecurityAcetech Security LtdIntime Investigations LtdCallum Hughes Machinery LtdVentxAmrin Resources LtdHarte Stone & Brick