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Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited

Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited Contact Details

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020 8654 7795
David Nicholls
Melrose House
England UK

About Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited

Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited offers consultancy services in virtually all environmental disciplines and specialises in noise and vibration.

We are an independent environmental consultancy specialising in environmental noise and vibration, occupational noise exposure and expert witness work. Our aim is to provide a high level of technical expertise, combined with extensive experience of noise and vibration projects.

Sound Insulation Testing by the Experts:
  • Sound Insulation Testing for New-builds and Conversions
  • Fully accredited by the ANC
  • Fast, efficient service
  • Over 20 years’ experience
  • Fully insured
  • Free advice in the event of failure
  • Free quotations
Construction Noise & Vibration
Noise generated by construction activities can be significant and, for large projects, may last for lengthy periods. This can therefore lead to considerable impacts on adjacent residential properties or other noise sensitive developments. The impacts may be greater still if the works must be carried out during the evening or night-time, when people are generally more sensitive to noise.

Industrial and Commercial Noise
Noise generated by industrial and commercial premises can impact on residential and other noise sensitive receptors. Noise generated from existing industrial and commercial premises can be measured and evaluated in order to determine whether a problem exists. If noise control is required, we can undertake a detailed analysis to identify the sources that require treatment and can assess potential options, including undertaking a cost-benefit analysis. We can also provide expert representation in defence against Noise Abatement Notices.

Noise at Work
Noise at work is usually assessed in terms of the noise exposure that is received by employees. Exposure is a combination of the noise level that a person is exposed to and the duration over which the exposure occurs. In order to determine an employee’s exposure, it is therefore necessary to establish their work pattern, how long they spend in different areas or engaged in different activities and the levels of noise that they are exposed to.

Petrochemical Noise
Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited has been responsible for the noise control design of numerous installations through Pre-FEED, FEED and EPC, ranging from small expansions of existing facilities to world-scale grass-roots projects. Our design capabilities include the production of noise models in order to calculate the impact of developments and to identify where noise control is required.

Noise assessments are often required at the Planning stage of developments that may generate noise, and noise-sensitive developments which may be affected by noise. Some developments, such as mixed use, fall into both categories.

We undertake detailed noise modelling in order to calculate anticipated noise levels from the development. The noise model can also be used to assess the efficacy of various noise control options.

Sound Insulation Testing
Addiscombe Environmental is Accredited to undertake Sound Insulation Testing to Approved Document E by the Association of Noise Consultants. The United Kingdom Building Regulations require that Pre-Completion Sound Insulation Tests are undertaken on new dwellings and conversions, and where Robust Details have not been used.

Transportation Noise
Transportation is undoubtedly the noise source that affects more people in the world than any other and, as the number of journeys taken continues to rise, transportation noise and vibration is set to be a significant issue long into the future. Roads, railways and aircraft movements can all generate significant impacts. We use state-of-the-art noise modelling software capable of modelling even the most complex scenarios and producing high quality graphical noise mapping.

Ground-borne vibration can be generated by a number of sources, including road and rail transportation systems, construction activities, blasting, tunnelling and the operation of various types of machinery. Its effect on buildings may be to cause varying degrees of damage, or to affect machinery or equipment that may be vibration-sensitive.

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