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Archaeology Wales Ltd

Archaeology Wales Ltd Contact Details

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Mark Houliston
3 Connaught House
Riverside Business Park
Benarth Road
LL32 8UB

About Archaeology Wales Ltd

Welcome to Archaeology Wales
We work across the UK offering independent services to businesses, communities and individuals. We undertake consultancy, fieldwork services, desk-based services, surveys, finds analysis and programmes of community engagement.

We offer specialist surveys such as standing building recording, rectified photographic recording, 3D EDM surveys, geophysics, metal-detector surveys, and topographic recording as well as specialist analysis. We boast a wide range of in-house specialist skills.

Fieldwork Services
Archaeology Wales provides a full range of field services, working on behalf of clients to identify, assess and mitigate the impact of proposed developments on surviving archaeological remains.
  • Excavations
    In cases where excavation is unavoidable, Archaeology Wales undertakes such work to the highest professional standards and within pre-arranged timescales. Each project is run by a dedicated Project Manager, whose job is to co-ordinate all aspects of the work from setup and health & safety, to reporting and archiving.

  • Evaluations
    Where archaeological remains are known to exist, or a desk-based study indicates that they might be, the next step is usually to cut Evaluation Trenches across the proposed development area. Archaeology Wales is very experienced in this type of work and we have a strong reputation for the quality and thoroughness of our final reports.

  • Watching Briefs
    If archaeology is believed to be present a local authority may request that a Watching Brief is undertaken as part of a development, either in addition to excavation or as an alternative to it. In such cases Archaeology Wales can supply archaeologists with considerable experience in working alongside groundworks contractors, thereby helping to ensure that all relevant planning conditions are met, but with the least possible disruption to work on site.
Desk Based Services
Whether you are looking for an independent consultant to help negotiate your way through the planning process or for a high quality specialist report, we have the skills you are after.
  • Assessments
    Local authorities often require Desk Based Assessments to be undertaken early in the planning process, which means they can play a vital role in helping developers to plan ahead. Our staff can offer high quality, professional, advice to clients whatever the complexity of the scheme proposed.

  • Cultural Heritage Chapters for Environmental Statements
    For larger developments, specialist archaeological chapters are often undertaken as part of wider ranging assessments, for example Environmental Impact Assessments. Archaeology Wales has undertaken many such studies, particularly in advance of proposed wind farm developments.

  • Conservation Management Plans and Historic Research
    Archaeology Wales has undertaken many desk based studies of a more specialist nature. These include Conservation Management Plans, which are often undertaken as part of grant applications for Higher Level Environmental Stewardship Agreements, and Documentary Research targeted at answering specific development needs.
Surveys + Finds
Specialist surveys such as standing building recording, rectified photographic recording, 3D EDM surveys, geophysics, metal-detector and topographic recording, and specialist analysis such as artefact studies, and environmental and palaeoenvironmental assessments, form an important part of the work undertaken by Archaeology Wales.
  • Building Recording
    Historic building recording is often made a condition of planning consent, particularly where a developer proposes to change the structure or appearance of a listed building. Archaeology Wales has a proven record of producing high quality reports for a wide range of different building types.

  • Geophysics, topographic + GIS surveys
    Because geophysical surveys are non-destructive they are often favoured by planning archaeologists as useful tools in assessing the potential of a site, particularly ‘green field’ developments. Archaeology Wales has several members of staff who are skilled in undertaking surveys of this type. For enhanced accuracy we use a ‘pair’ of Fluxgate Gradiometers, but we have access to other equipment if required.

  • Finds studies and post-excavation analysis
    Where important finds, groups of finds, or remains of environmental importance are discovered as a result of fieldwork investigations, a developer may be required to undertake specialist study or conservation before a planning condition is signed off. Archaeology Wales makes use of an extensive network of locally based specialists in undertaking such work. This allows us to provide a cost-effective service that is targeted to specific local requirements.


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