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Inglewood Engineering Consultancy

Inglewood Engineering Consultancy Contact Details

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Elizabeth Land
Sycamore House, Springwood Way
SK10 2ND

About Inglewood Engineering Consultancy

Inglewood Engineering are a focused team of professional compliance engineers, headed up by specialists in process engineering, remedial design and functional safety. The company was formed in 1983 and has over 36 years experience within the industry.

Inglewood Engineering are leading experts in the field of industrial electrical compliance. We are practitioners in assessment, inspection and design relating to instrument, electrical and control equipment located in areas covered by safety regulations.
We carry out the following services;
  • DSEAR Risk Assessments
  • Hazardous Area Compliance
  • BS7671 Inspections and Testing
  • SIL Determinations

Where there are underlying issues with an installation we advise accordingly on any faulty equipment or design.

Our compliance services include all aspects of Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR) compliance, Electricity at Work Regulations (EAWR) compliance and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS). We guide companies through the whole process if necessary; from determining the extent of any risk in the first place to establishing long term practices for staying on top of things once everything is in order.

Where installations fall short of the required standards, we provide appropriate solutions to make the plant safe and compliant. At times this is simply a matter of proving compliance, at other times it may need extensive re-design. Remedial design is invariably set in the context of a working plant, and so requires careful planning. We draw on our long experience in working closely with clients and installers to minimise disruption.

DSEAR Compliance
Inglewood Engineering guide our clients through DSEAR compliance. We focus on Area Classification, Risk Assessment, Electrical Hazardous Area Equipment Inspections, .Non-Electrical Risk Assessments, Employee Training and Ongoing Compliance management.

If your plant fails to comply we specify in detail what needs to be done. That may take the form of changes to the installation, supplements to the documentation, or advice on operating a practical regime.

EAWR Compliance
Law in the UK requires that all business owners, their directors, managers and employees comply with ‘The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989’ (EAWR).

Achieving compliance with the EAWR and associated codes of practice means that companies are fulfilling their duties to protect the safety of their personnel against electrical hazards.

Failing to comply with these Regulations means that the business is potentially putting its employees and members of the public at risk due to dangerous electrical installations, and it risks intervention from the HSE in the form of improvement/prohibition notices.

Safety Instrumented Systems
Operating companies are legally obliged to ensure safety in the workplace. Risk reduction measures have to be put in place and managed through a safety management system. A safety case justifying the risk management position must be completed for inspection by the regulatory authorities.

Inglewood Engineering have been providing electrical, instrument and control design solutions for over 35 years.

Our electrical and control design services cover both safe and hazardous areas. We work on initial concept design and feasibility scopes right through to comprehensive detailed design packages.

Our plant control design support services also include functional testing of control panels and plant installation together with commissioning support.

For any other questions or enquiries please Contact Us!


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