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GSM Guttering & Fascia Ltd

GSM Guttering & Fascia Ltd Contact Details

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Maurice Walsh
14a Belfast Road Dundrum Newcastle
County Down
BT33 0NG
Northern Ireland

About GSM Guttering & Fascia Ltd

GSM Guttering & Fascia Ltd are a family run business and over the past 20 years or so have gained a reputation for quality products and workmanship. Our experienced surveyors can offer you simple and practical advice on how to improve the look of your home and at a price that won’t break the bank. Our highly trained work staff are friendly, tidy, very professional and make sure you get the best job possible. We pride ourselves on the high quality of our materials and workmanship, we like to create an atmosphere where the customer feels at ease with every aspect of the job, from our sales staff to our fitters, we aim to please.

What services does GSM offer?
We specialise in a wide range of products and services, including PVC Fascia, Soffit and Cladding, Aluminium Seamless, Cast Aluminium and PVC Guttering, Dry Verge Systems, Commerical Gutter Lining, Cavity Wall and Roof Insulation.

uPVC Fascia, Soffit & Cladding
GSM provide Fascia, Soffit and Cladding in White, Black, Oak, Mahogany, Rosewood, Black Ash and Anthracite Grey to enhance the look of your home. All our Pvc Fasciaboards are completely lead free, so won’t discolour and are ribbed along the back to provide airflow between your existing timber and your new Pvc Fasciaboards, allowing any trapped moisture to dry out and not rot your timber from behind.

Fitting new PVC Fascia Board & Soffit is not just about not having to paint your timbers again, it’s also about protecting your roof from damp and eventually rot. Most older houses would have been fitted with hessian felt which through time breaks down along the gutter line and allows rainwater to get in unseen and affect your timber fascia and rafter ends.

Aluminium & PVC Guttering
GSM specialize in Aluminium Seamless Guttering, polyester powder coated inside and out for longer life. It can be run out in any length to suit your roof, therefore NO JOINTS and NO LEAKS.

Standard colours are Black, White and Brown, other specific colours such as Anthracite Grey can be powder coated to order. We normally fit PVC Downpipes in Round or Square to match the Guttering or Cast Aluminium with collars and lugs, which ever your preference. We also fit Cast Aluminium Guttering in Traditional Half Round or Ogee Mould with Downpipes to suit and in whatever colour you require.

GSM Plygene Gutterliner
The Plygene Gutter Liner is designed to provide a seamless, gutter within a gutter. Unlike other general roofing products, Plygene Gutterline provides a 25 year guarantee and is the only BBA approved gutter lining system specifically engineered to restore and preserve gutter performance for industrial and commercial buildings.

Engineered for leak prevention:
  • A permanent solution to leaking gutters.
  • Totally seamless, no joints.
  • More economical than replacement.
  • 25 year guarantee.
  • BBA Approved.
  • Tough Stuff, hard wearing and flexible.
Plygene Gutterline offers a bespoke solution with minimal building disruption and is an effective alternative to full gutter replacement. It is the only gutter lining system that will provide complete peace of mind for specifiers and contractors who want a proven system specifically designed for the gutter environment.

Cavity Wall Insulation
EPS bonded bead is the best performing insulation available. The thermal properties of bead insulation satisfy u-values outlined in building regulations and the method of install ensures a full fill across the cavity that stops water passing to the inner leaf.

Benefits Of Cavity Wall Insulation:
  • Uninsulated homes lose up to 35% of the heat through the walls. Our product offers a complete fill, with no gaps and consistent density across the cavity ensuring heat retention.
  • Our bead product is fire resistant, waterproof and the bonded finish allows water to pass down the cavity without crossing it- ensuring no damp or thermal bridging.
  • Suitable for install in areas of driven rain and bad weather ensuring a warm home all year round with dry inner walls.
Is your cavity wall insulation not doing it’s job take advantage of our extraction and refill schemes, bring your home up to present day standards, ask for details.

For more information, please Contact Us!


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