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Ferwood Group

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About Ferwood Group

Ferwood Buy and Sell Used and Reconditioned Furniture Production Machinery. We work mainly with machines from world leading brands including : Homag Group, SCM Group, Biesse Group and other specialst machine manufacturers.

We offer these machines AS Is, Checked and Tested or Fully Reconditioned with a warranty.

Our highly experienced sales team will help you find the machine to suit your production needs so call us.

Our Machines

Machine Reconditioning
Our reconditioning program follows our “Ferwood Approved Ten Steps”. The results of many years of experience and passion, the “Ten Steps” program is targeted on our customers’ needs, and it can be carried out at Ferwood’s facilities or at your premises. Thanks to detailed checklists, our expert staff evaluates your existing technology, and follows you step-by-step to recommend the best maintenance process.

Machine modifications & updates
If after years of work a machine is no longer capable of ensuring the required performance, something must be done. Market needs change over time. This is why you need to be prepared to keep up with the latest technologies and improve your productivity and quality.

Engineering Solution
Our expert staff will analyse your needs and suggest targeted solutions to streamline and optimise your production processes. In order to ensure the utmost customer’s satisfaction, Ferwood offers a consultancy service to customize your machines and production processes. Thanks to the experience of our sales team and expert technicians, we can meet each machine adaptation requests, based on the context and on the type of works required.




Manufacturers know their products better than anyone. They also have a good idea of the machinery needed to take their production to the next level. With pressure from customers to reduce lead times and increase production there is often a tight timeframe to source and install the new equipment required.
This is a common situation which is resulting in more and more companies turning to FerWood for a solution that not only fits the brief but does so within a much shorter timeframe than might be expected. The reason for that is simple: FerWood doesn’t manufacture machines, it holds them in stock and then rebuilds the machines of leading manufacturers to an exceptional standard, bringing them right up to the specification they need for the job they want them to perform, at a fraction of the cost.
Working with a wide range of leading machinery manufacturers means knowing how each brand works and what unique features might suit a particular application best. Looking for the best option often means modifications are needed to achieve the very best results. That’s when FerWood can offer a customised solution that best fits their customer’s needs. Sometimes it can be the simplest of changes that makes the biggest difference to a production facility but, whether it’s a simple modification, or a completely new function that needs to be added to a machine, skilled engineers are on hand to make all necessary alterations quickly and effectively.
This adaptable approach also extends to complete production lines, where FerWood’s team has the experience, as well as an impressive global machinery inventory to integrate equipment from different manufacturers into one line. The process often requires multiple units being removed, modified and installed to overcome any challenging obstacles the customer might have initially faced.
FerWood’s attitude is refreshingly flexible. It’s all about their customer’s needs. It is a high quality, timely and flexible approach to used woodworking machinery that sets them apart. Their wide knowledge of machinery and ability to think outside the box when faced with tricky manufacturing issues has given a reputation for being problem solvers. The combination of cost saving and a high quality rebuilding service with customisable options, within a shorter timeframe means the benefits of buying a reconditioned machine from FerWood creates a credible option when selecting machinery.
To find out how Ferwood can help you source the right machinery at the right price, please visit, call 0113 286 6689 or tweet us at @FerwoodGroupUK.
What’s the difference between a used and Ferwood Approved machine? You’ll be forgiven for thinking they are the same thing but for used machinery specialist, Ferwood, rigorous processes and stringent attention to detail transform their reconditioned machinery into a class of its own. Proving it’s really what is under the paintwork that counts, Ferwood has lifted the lid on its unique 10-step process to show you what it really means to buy a Ferwood Approved machine.

Based in Pollenzo, Italy, Ferwood’s premises span over 200,000 sqft, with each section stringently categorised by its function and machine type. As well as an impressive showroom which homes completed machines, separate areas have been designed for handling, cleaning, sanding and painting, edgebanding, cutting, drilling and routing. Each area plays a vital role in the machine’s restoration process and guarantees each machine, regardless of its make or model, benefits from an intensive programme.

The 10-step process begins with an evaluation of the customer’s technical and manufacturing requirements. Kelvin Wilkins, Sales and Marketing Manager at Ferwood Group explains, “For us, this involves us using our technical knowledge and industry know-how to find the best possible solution for our customers. What does the company need to achieve from its Ferwood Approved machine? What budget has been allocated and what timeframe does the customer need to work in? These are really important questions, especially when faced with a busy factory floor. But for us, listening to our customers is second nature and by working together, we can source and install the best machine for them in the most efficient way.”

Step two takes place in the Ferwood factory. Here, it’s disassembled, thoroughly cleaned and painted. Step three and four follow, as engineers replace any worn parts and check all mechanical, electrical, electronic and pneumatic components. The fifth stage sees a thorough inspection and upgrade of safety devices is carried out. Then, in step six, any software upgrades and technical changes required by the customer are made.

“It’s at this stage, step seven in the Ferwood 10- step process, that we ask our customer to supply samples in order for us to complete a test run,” explains Kelvin. “This is a fantastic way of showing our customers exactly what they can expect from the machine. By using their own panels and components, we can create an exact replica of their product in real time. This highlights the machine’s capabilities and the results they can expect from a Ferwood Approved machine on their factory floor.”

Step eight is delivery to the customer and step nine is a final check to ensure the machine has been provided with appropriate software, tools and manuals – and these are often written or sourced by Ferwood’s maintenance team. But, in true Ferwood style, there is one final step to complete in order for the machine to be Ferwood Approved. Once the machine is installed by Ferwood’s technicians on your factory floor, a final inspection takes place to ensure the machine is running smoothly in its new environment. A final test run, using the customer’s materials, and employee training completes the 10-step process.

“This demanding step-by-step plan proves that Ferwood Approved machines offer you much more than a lick of paint – something you may not have been expecting to hear from a second-hand machinery supplier. We have every confidence in our machines and that’s why we offer a six-month warranty absolutely free with every Ferwood Approved machine we sell. We actively promote trips to our factory because we know that by seeing the process for yourself, you can see just how dedicated we are to supplying high quality, reconditioned machines that are designed to last.”

To find out how Ferwood can help you source the right machinery at the right price, please visit, call 01132866689 or tweet us at @FerwoodGroupUK.
You’re a furniture manufacturer, you’ve got an urgent need for additional machinery to keep pace with orders, but the lead times for building new equipment just don’t fit with your production demands. What do you do?

Juggling availability and the demands of production is often a balancing act, and one that has brought many furniture producer’s to the door of used machinery specialists, Ferwood UK, including many of the UKs largest manufacturer’s. With an experienced team, skilled engineers and a global machinery inventory at its fingertips, Ferwood UK is able to come up with a credible, timely solution when suppliers of new machinery have been unable to offer production slots, or meet budget requirements.

“We’re not talkers, we’re listeners,” explains John Wilson, Managing Director of Ferwood UK. “No two companies are the same, so unless we can hear what our customers want, we will never be able to understand their needs or solve their production problems. It’s our job to listen to our customer’s requirements, absorb their issues and transfer these into a viable solution for their business.”

To do this, Ferwood sources and reconditions machinery from leading woodworking machinery manufacturers including Homag, Biesse, SCM and IMA. As well as its impressive 10,000 sqft Leeds-based premises, which plays host to as many as 15 or 20 machines at a time, the company has access to a vast global inventory through its worldwide subsidiaries. And, if you’re looking for something specific, Ferwood’s large sales network can go the extra mile to source a machine – or even a complete production line - that ticks all the boxes.

If you are keen to incorporate the latest technology into your production line, Ferwood has a solution for that, too. John explains: “Thanks to our skilled engineers, we have the ability to modify most of the machines we have in stock. For example we’re seeing a continual trend for PU and Hot Air technology on Edgebanders. This facility is not always available on machines over a certain age, but we are easily able to solve this by offering the option of retrofitting this bonding technology onto our reconditioned machines. This is a huge selling point for us and allows our customers to have the latest technology at a fraction of the cost of buying it on a brand new machine.” It’s not just edgebanders that Ferwood can bring up to date. Machines from beam saws to CNC machining centres and drilling lines to finishing systems can be modified to suit the customer’s specific requirements– and it’s likely to be delivered a lot sooner, and for a lot less than specifying new.

It’s often said that to fully appreciate something, you have to understand the process it goes through and at Ferwood UK, they believe the same can be said when selling reconditioned machinery. “We actively encourage our customers to visit our headquarters in Pollenzo, Italy, and to see the lengths we go to in order to recondition our machinery range first hand as for many, only seeing is believing. This dedication and attention to detail gives us the confidence to offer a six months parts and labour warranty on Ferwood Approved machines.

“As part of the process of ensuring our machinery fits its intended purpose we encourage our customers to send us their sample materials, glues, tooling etc in order for us to recreate their products on a test run prior to dispatch. It’s a great way of testing the machine and it shows the customer the exact results they can expect from one of our reconditioned machines. Once the machine is complete, we arrange the logistics and get it shipped directly to you.”

John adds, “For us, it’s not about trying to fit a square cog into a circular hole. We have the advantage of selling a wide range of machinery from the very best manufacturers. Solutions are not always straightforward, but we’re confident that with our experience in the sector and our comprehensive inventory, we can work with you to find the right machine to fit your business.”

Keen to put Ferwood UK to the test? Visit or call 01132 866 689 for more information. For the latest news follow Ferwood UK on Twitter @FerwoodgroupUK.

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