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GreCon Ltd - Measuring technology

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Jonathan Hamill

About GreCon Ltd - Measuring technology

Meas­ur­ing tech­no­logy

Our innovative measuring technology solutions enhance automated process control and product quality for many industrial production processes.

We are a technology leader at the forefront of developing new standards, fueling our product innovation.

Detect quality deviations at an early stage and effectively counteract them as well as optimising the use of resources. With the help of our precise measuring technology solutions, you can continuously improve your production. GreCon measuring systems measure basic physical parameters such as thickness, moisture or weight as well as process-specific parameters.

Our solution for your application
Reliable measured values are the basis for systematic process control to achieve stable production processes. Stable processes mean fewer rejects and satisfied customers.

Gypsum plas­ter­board
Most modern technology is used in this industry to save the natural resource of gypsum and, at the same time, fulfil the different production requirements - depending on the purpose of use. Gypsum plasterboards, which are mainly used in the dry construction, have different functions from the simple wall and ceiling panelling via sound and fire protection to radiation protection.

A multitude of challenges result from the diverse requirements with respect to the product properties for the production process.

Wood-based pan­el
Wood is one of the most sought-after renewable raw materials. Researchers are forecasting that wood as well as finishing products conquer always new fields of application and will replace concrete and steel. A sustainable forestry as resource-saving material use is absolutely necessary to be able to meet the resulting increasing demand for raw materials. The increasing share of recycled wood, the use of alternative materials along with always stricter environmental regulations in connection with the wish for always thinner and lighter wood-based panels which are nevertheless durable as always pose always new challenges for the wood-based panel industry.

In­su­la­tion ma­ter­i­al
For several years the demand for insulating materials as for example glass and mineral wool has been rapidly increasing. Thanks to their use, it is possible to reduce the demand for energy - and consequently the energy costs - and increase the living comfort. With the increase in prices for CO2, insulating materials will be the solution for the coming challenges of a sustainable use of energy in many different sectors.

And this is where we will provide support with customised measuring solutions from Fagus-GreCon!

Product quality and resource-saving in energy and material are key considerations in producing insulation material. The production process consumes significant amounts of energy. Fagus-GreCon's measuring technology solutions help to optimise the production process continuously. Reliably measured values are an essential input to the process and quality control. They are, therefore, an important part of your quality assurance system.

Due to the glass strand formation process and heat used, hot spots can linger for days and weeks, posing storage and transport risks. Fagus-GreCon's measuring technology systems contribute decisively to avoiding fires by detecting these hot spots.

Con­vey­or belt
Conveyor belts are used for diverse applications with different conditions of use - for the transport of materials by logistic companies or mail order companies or also in the mining industry. In all cases, an unforeseeable failure of a conveyor belt has enormous consequences. Supply chains are interrupted, commitments cannot be complied with, standstills of upstream and downstream systems may result.


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