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McCallums Property Surveying

McCallums Property Surveying Contact Details

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Church View, Nuttery Vale,
IP21 5BB

About McCallums Property Surveying

Your Local Surveyor

McCallums Property Surveying have been assisting homeowners, investors and professionals alike with their property requirements for over 20 years. We are proud to be an independent and local firm. With this independence, we are able to offer each of our clients a bespoke and high quality surveying service.

No development or building project reaches a satisfactory conclusion without expert guidance along the way. By drawing on the multi-disciplinary skills of our specialist team, McCallums Property Surveying can provide comprehensive services for properties of all sizes. With 25 years experience in the construction sector, McCallum Property Surveying can deliver sustainable solutions specifically tailored to ensure the success of your next project. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable Property Surveyors can assist you in all aspects of property Surveying.

Using a Building Property Survey company like McCallums means you’ll get an impartial and professional opinion on one of the most expensive investments of your lifetime – your home and property. As an experienced firm of property surveyors, we are experts in all aspects of property ownership and tenancy in both the commercial and residential markets. McCallums offers you a wide range of surveys and a competitive valuation for your property, no matter the size.

Our residential or commercial building surveys are based on a detailed examination of your property, reporting upon condition, structural matters, dampness, timber defects and poor building practices. The scope and extent of all instructions will be confirmed to you, in advance, in writing. We offer a comprehensive range of surveying and construction management services including surveys and valuations of residential or commercial property, building surveying services including Party Wall Advice, constructional certification and schedules of condition/dilapidations together with a full range of architectural Services.

Building surveys are often seen as a non essential part of buying/acquiring a property and many purchasers consider a report as a good indication of the condition of the property. This is often not the case and buyers are left with substantial repair bills. Whilst not every building survey report discovers significant defects to a building there will always be a number of issues reported on and in many cases this allows the purchaser to renegotiate the purchase price with the saving far exceeding the cost of the survey. Each building survey is a bespoke and detailed report and includes a detailed summary highlighting the issues that require attention or further investigation.

We act for either building or adjoining owners on projects as diverse as small residential extensions up to multi million pound commercial developments. For building owners we serve the appropriate notices under the Act, liaise with the adjoining owners’ surveyors, prepare the schedules of condition, prepare and agree the part wall awards and attend to any matters during the works and sign off the awards upon completion.

To ensure the best outcome for your project you need people who know what they are doing every step of the way. We offer experienced construction project management professionals who provide effective leadership and sharp attention to detail.

We provide a comprehensive construction management consulting service. Our consultants possess the engineering and construction experience to provide cost effective solutions to every day challenges that owners, contractors, engineers and architects face throughout the construction process. From the initial concept to project completion we assist out clients in facilitating and co-ordinating the construction progress to mitigate any issues.

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