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BD365 Clean Ltd

BD365 Clean Ltd Contact Details

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Krissi Foskett
G52 1TJ

About BD365 Clean Ltd

BD365 - Film and TV Set Cleaning, Biohazard Cleaning & Commercial Cleaning

Cleaning has never been as important as it is today. BD365 is a leading provider of film and TV set cleaning services, Biohazard Cleaning and Specialist Commercial Cleaning Service Solutions

Film Production Cleaning
Location, Location, Location. Over the past few years, BD365 Clean Ltd have been working with the film production industry to provide professional commercial cleaning services to ensure safe working environments on some of the biggest TV and Film productions that Scotland has been host to.

Commercial Cleaning Services
Professional Cleaning Services That Keep Your Business Running 24/7. It's no secret that a clean and tidy office is a more pleasant place to work in. But did you know that it can also help reduce sickness in the office? That's because professional cleaning helps to remove dust, dirt and bacteria from surfaces - including keyboards, phones and desks. And when these areas are kept clean, there's less chance of employees becoming sick.

Not only does professional cleaning help to keep the office healthy, it can also boost staff morale. A clean and well-maintained workplace is a sign of a company that cares about its employees and their wellbeing. And when staff feel valued, they're more likely to be productive and motivated.
  • Call Centres
  • Retail
  • Restaurants
  • Portakabins
  • Gyms
  • Holiday Homes
  • Car Workshops
  • Stadium Cleaning

Event Cleaning Services
Get Professional Event Cleaning Services to Make Your Events Shine! Event cleaning is a professional cleaning service that specialises in cleaning after concerts, trade shows, sports events, indoor events, outdoor events, music festivals, and festivals. Stadium and venue cleaning are also services that event cleaning companies provide. Facilities cleaning, honey wagon and portaloo and portakabin cleaning, backstage cleaning, and cleaning around catering are all services that fall under the event cleaning umbrella.

Biohazard Cleaning Services
Safeguard Your Property From Hazards With Professional Cleaning Services. Biohazard professional cleaning is the process of safely removing potentially harmful contaminants from a home or business. These contaminants could include blood, bodily fluids, and other hazardous materials. Professional biohazard cleaners are trained to identify and remove these dangerous substances using special equipment and techniques.

Commercial Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Services
Get Professional Carpet Cleaning For Maximum Quality And Protection. A clean office is a sign of a professional, successful business. It shows that you care about your company's image and take pride in your work. first impressions are important, and a clean carpet conveys that you're organised and detail-oriented. A dirty or stained carpet can make your business look sloppy and unprofessional.

Mould Restoration Cleaning
Professional Mould Cleaning. Mould can pose a serious health hazard if not removed correctly. When inhaled, mould spores can cause various respiratory problems, including asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory infections. In addition, people with compromised immune systems risk developing severe health problems from mould exposure.

Extreme Cleaning
When it comes to emergency restoration, trust BD365 Clean Ltd to get the job done. There are two types of extreme cleaning: restoration after building construction or abandonment, damage or destruction and cleaning up hazardous materials. In both cases, the goal is to return the area to a safe and usable state. Extreme Cleaning and restoration involves removing all the debris and dirt left behind by the construction workers, disrepair or even squatters. This can be a huge job, depending on the size of the building. All surfaces must be cleaned, including floors, walls, ceilings, windows, and fixtures.
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