Speedy Hire has achieved a CDP A- ranking, up from its previous score of B, only a year prior. This significant achievement is a result of Speedy Hire's commitment to sustainable practices, environmental transparency, science-based targets, data and reporting.
A CDP score provides a snapshot of a company's disclosure and environmental performance. To earn an A/A- score from CDP, organisations must show environmental leadership, and disclosing action on climate change, deforestation or water security. Three years ago, Speedy Hire achieved a D rating which is awarded as a starting point in disclosing data. This A- rating now puts Speedy Hire in the leadership category ahead of the Europe wide average score of B and industry average of C.
The improved ranking achieved by Speedy Hire is underpinned by its commitment to data transparency and reporting. As part of its wider 'Decade to Deliver' ESG strategy, Speedy Hire has set targets to reach net zero emissions by 2040, 10 years ahead of the government deadline with clear steps to reduce Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 50% and Scope 3 emissions by 42% by 2030.
Speedy Hire is the first in the hire sector to have its net zero targets validated by the Science-Based Target initiative (SBTi), was recognised as a European 'Climate Leader' by the Financial Times in 2023 and received a gold rating from Eco Vadis which placed Speedy Hire in the top 5% of businesses in its sector for sustainability. The company collaborates closely with partners to champion and innovate market-leading solutions, aiming to decarbonise conventional diesel products and reduce carbon emissions across the supply chain.
Amelia Woodley, ESG Director at Speedy Hire, said: "We are proud to have achieved this prestigious A- ranking by CDP which places us on the leadership board worldwide for our carbon disclosures, science-based targets and net zero initiatives of the past few years. Moving from a D score to an A- in such a short time demonstrates how important thorough data collection and transparency is in the journey to achieving net zero.
"This recognition validates the effectiveness of our ambitious Decade to Deliver ESG strategy, which aligns seamlessly with our science-based targets, bringing us closer to the UK Government's 2050 net zero goals and reinforcing our dedication to an achievable net zero future through collaborative decarbonisation solutions across the supply chain."
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Construction News
Speedy Hire Awarded Prestigious Sustainability Accreditation
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