The money is part of the funding announced by the Welsh Assembly Government last month, with £1.75m being distributed equally among all 25 local planning authorities in Wales. The remaining £250,000 will support cross-Wales planning activity.
Ms Davidson said: "I am delighted to announce more details of how this money will fund a range of Wales- wide projects that will also support the review to streamline the planning application process. In particular it will contribute to the further development of the Planning Portal in Wales and help develop the online planning application process.
"Planning has a key role in Wales, from supporting the economy to tackling climate change. The planning system must be efficient, delivering decisions which are open, fair, consistent and transparent."
The funding is for the following areas of work:
- Further development of the Planning Portal in Wales, including working with local planning authorities to increase the use of on-line planning applications and on line consultation
- Training for LPA Elected Members in relation to implementation of the Welsh Assembly Government's planning policy published in May 2009, on 'Planning for Sustainable Buildings'
- The provision of a number of student planning bursaries through the Department for City and Regional Planning at Cardiff University