Concrete Repairing Services Sponsored Companies
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- Structural Waterproofing
- Concrete repairs
- Condition surveys to concrete structures
- Guaranteed Basement Tanking
- Helifix wall ties
- Guaranteed liquid roofing
- Guaranteed Balcony waterproofing systems
T: 0151 486 4932 | E:
12 Fenlake Business Centre, Fengate, Peterborough, PE1 5BQ
Endeavour House/11 Compass Point Business Park, Stocks Bridge W, St. Ives, PE27 5JL
The Old Village Hall, Church Street, Huntingdonshire, PE28 5SZ
The Airfield Wellington Way, Bourn, Cambridge, CB23 2TQ
Huntingdon Business Centre, 16 Blackstone Road, Huntingdon, PE29 6EF
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