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FER-AL Glazing can offer both fire rated, and non fire rated, aluminium and steel products, in a range of bespoke designs. FER-AL Fire & Architectural Glazing Ltd. are specialists in the supply and installation of Architectural Aluminium and Steel Systems.
T: 02840330500 | E:

Unit 9b Building 1, Central Park Mallusk, Newtownabbey, BT36 4FS

71 Kinturk Road, Cookstown, BT80 0JD

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MPD Built Environment Consultants LimitedAlthon LimitedStrip Curtains Direct LtdTerra Imprints LTDCleanCube Mobile CleanroomsBuckleys Mobile Crane ServicesSG-S (Silent Gliss Spares/Systems)St John Ambulance (NI)CJ Waterhouse Co LtdEcomerchant